The 1894 group etc are doing a magnificent job, the flags, banners, singing section etc. I applaud everything they are doing and have done. I even applaud their attempt to experiment with the drum and megaphone, if it's not trialled then how will they know what response it provokes, both good and bad.
However, I think the drum in particular kills any atmosphere and is just not "City". The megaphone is slightly different, as we know in European grounds it is tediously used throughout the game. If it could be used now and again to gee up the crowd when things get a bit stale then it may have a small place. When the lad spoke into it and faced the pitch I couldn't hear it but when he faced the stand it was quite loud. I was surprised to see a couple of young people on the second tier join into the Guardiolas song.
But please, ditch the drum!
Thanks for the feedback. And to those of you who have also left feedback.