BT Sport or BT Bias?

Sky Blue said:
whipper said:
Sky Blue said:
Lanky streak off piss Humphrey's is a proper bulb. Forever looking for the shit stirring angle when there isn't one there.

You do know he has a Director in his ear piece,who will be feeding him info and angles to go!

I've worked with him 3 or 4 times,and the guy is sound.

Before the game he said it was good for Hull that Demichelis was starting. I'm sure the Director didn't prompt that one. He comes across as a right whopper, Whipper.

Demichelis has been slated by all the press recently,so he hasn't said anything new.
whipper said:
Sky Blue said:
whipper said:
You do know he has a Director in his ear piece,who will be feeding him info and angles to go!

I've worked with him 3 or 4 times,and the guy is sound.

Before the game he said it was good for Hull that Demichelis was starting. I'm sure the Director didn't prompt that one. He comes across as a right whopper, Whipper.

Demichelis has been slated by all the press recently,so he hasn't said anything new.

Yes, a sheep jumping on the fucking bandwagon. Nice to see Martin prove him wrong.
whipper said:
Sky Blue said:
Lanky streak off piss Humphrey's is a proper bulb. Forever looking for the shit stirring angle when there isn't one there.

You do know he has a Director in his ear piece,who will be feeding him info and angles to go!

I've worked with him 3 or 4 times,and the guy is sound.

When he worked for the Beeb doing the F1 stuff I always had the impression that Eddie and DC were always thinkin': Who the fuck is this ****?

He is a bulb, a very bright one, burning with enough ambition to light up a night-time grand prix.
Pigeonho said:
whipper said:
Pigeonho said:
Mate, on here they think all directors whisper 'slag em off or we will kidnap your family dog' to the various presenters! ;-)

Mad really,go on any other clubs forums and I'm sure they have threads similar to this.
I'm sure they will.

-- Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:16 am --

manimanc said:
Has anybody mentioned that owen called us Manchester United again?
Just the once today though, and just the 5 times against wigan...
I find it irritating and very unprofessional. .....
He probably does it on purpose to wind city fans up.

So you are saying he has an agenda?
Lancet Fluke said:
Pigeonho said:
whipper said:
You do know he has a Director in his ear piece,who will be feeding him info and angles to go!

I've worked with him 3 or 4 times,and the guy is sound.
Mate, on here they think all directors whisper 'slag em off or we will kidnap your family dog' to the various presenters! ;-)

Just out of interest if he's a decent guy and it's all the director, what would happen if he told the director after the broadcast that they should have more integrity than to behave like the gutter press and that he wouldn't continue to do it in future? Because every time I watch BT Humphrey does this, like a dog with a bone about absolute shit, sometimes to the point where the pundits look embarrassed. If he is, as you say, a decent bloke, he's doing himself no good at all by going along with it because he's making himself look like an utter ****.

The best example of this is the Spurs game, talking about their offside goal. Ginola and Hargreaves said that to the linesman in real time it didn't look offside so they weren't going to slag him off for it. Jake then spent about 2 minutes saying 'he's got it wrong though, he's made a bad mistake hasn't he?' to which Ginola and Hargreaves repeated their initial point. It was awkward to watch and the 2 pundits looked increasingly uncomfortable, very poor presenting.
Watched the Premier League Review show this morning, after they had shown City's highlights they did a summary of how well Demichelis played after vinny got sent off. It was nice to see him get some praise for is performance for a change.
Well Owen you rag bastard... Tell your little birdie that Ya Ya says your a lying twat....
Ya Ya = "I score great 25, 30 yard goals and some people are trying to say that is a cross"
Crawl back under your rag infested jealousy stone Owen you prick

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