BT Sport


Now a public garroting of Danny Mills should finish it off nicely

I just had a vision of the film Taken being filmed live with real bullets and some heavies chuck Danny Mills right in Liam Neeson's path. He turns and sees Neeson in a long coat looking very pissed off changing gun magazine. Pure terror painted on his face looking around frantically for a way out of this certain death scenario hahaha.
The point is they should have a Sunderland biased person on as well for fairness. This is all we ask for, it's not hard. If it's Swansea vs Burnley then get two biased people from both camps in that know the clubs well.
well they've fucked up as he's a moron and ugly to boot
Maybe not the brightest button ,but in his defence spoke to him yesterday and the way he conducted himself around the youngsters and fellow city fans ,he put most of our players to shame.
And for what its worth david Moyes was probably one of the politest managers we have met
And to balance things out it was an absolute joy to meet Braydon and his dad

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