BT Sport

0=0 against Real - and you think that's poor? WTF? We'll take the chance of away goals back to theirs. That wasn't their plan tonight - I can guarantee you that.
Strange you have taken one of my posts referring to the home tie with Kiev on 15th March which ended 0.0,not last nights game...don't know how you could have ended up thinking it was from last night as its near the start of the bt thread...
Thoroughly enjoyed a tactical game tonight between two very good sides Bayern and Athletico
Then watching the commentary after the highlights with camel gob and co find it hard to believe the only English
Side left in the comp were never mentioned.
Real have got to win next week,but we are more than capable of nicking a goal.
Been said many times but why o why are these fuckwit ex players determined to drag us down on every occasion.
Mr Summerbee must be laughing his bollocks off at these tosspots seem to remember him stating " one day we will take these apart"
City v Bayern it's in the stars
It will just be the cherry on the cake watching Rio's face having to build up a final with City in it should that happen.
We all know Wio of old and we're used to the double standards that are used as the basis for analysis of the PL performances of various clubs but the BT coverage of the home leg against PSG did appear to sink to new depths. I'd read the "apology" issued by Simon Green and found that it didn't grasp what the real issues were ans was, as a result, wholly unsatisfactory. As I had no choice at all on Tuesday night I tuned in to BT, uncertain as to what I would hear. I was interested to see how many empty seats they could count at a game sold out in a matter of hours, how quietly 54000 people could whisper for the best part of two hours and how the team could parade their inadequacies before the cameras for the pundits delight. In fact it wasn't like that at all because the pundits were given no choice. The pre-match crowd scenes ranked with anything to be seen anywhere in the world and even on the tele the atmosphere came over as electric. The booing of UEFA's jingle was loud and continuous. Even the pundits - even Wio - confined themselves to football and kept their venom to themselves. And what it all confirmed was that Wio isn't the problem, the other pundits aren't the problem. The problem is actually Simon Green and all the others at BT who are responsible for editorial policy. They choose the pundits and they know why they chose Wio et al. They decided, quite wrongly, that the only people who watch football in England are extreme, fanatical supporters of Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United and that the BT team can use "European nights" - now the CL has, yet again, gone so wrong for these clubs - for a cosy get together to insult, deride and denigrate "little Citeh" who's got to big for its boots. Our rivals have never been treated in such a way and never will be, "British" teams, such as Rangers and Celtic would never be treated in such a way, we should not have been, but we were. It's Simon Green's fault as was shown on Tuesday when the pundits were under strict orders. We don't expect gushing praise or no criticism, but we do expect honesty, objectivity and a bit of good will. We didn't get that and Simon Green should resign.
I think Green's apology was entirely in response to the flyer highlighted earlier, something done by an agency he claimed.

I don't think he's apologised for anything else and don't expect him to - he and BT haven't done anything wrong. Misjudged, yes, but wrong? No. Demanding that he should resign is just silly - he may not even have been responsible for hiring Ferdinand anyway.

Rather, I do think they have badly misjudged their output, and how one-eyed and bitter Ferdinand can be when they gave him a plum job as lead pundit. I thought the email put up by someone earlier partially acknowledged this (and I'm sure the club have been in touch), and that they are more aware. Sometimes, what is obvious to an onlooker with vested interest (us) is invisible to someone in the media bubble.

I think they have misjudged things. They need educating so they can improve what they do.
I'm guessing those saying the atmosphere was poor are rags or wums who wasn't at the game. I know my ears are getting old but the crowd volume on BT seems to be quieter than games on Sky, BT doesn't seem to capture the atmosphere the same IMO.
Anyone else with old ears?
Nothing wrong with your aged ears, TV and radio stations do turned the volume down on stadium microphones home and away.
I think Green's apology was entirely in response to the flyer highlighted earlier, something done by an agency he claimed.

I don't think he's apologised for anything else and don't expect him to - he and BT haven't done anything wrong. Misjudged, yes, but wrong? No. Demanding that he should resign is just silly - he may not even have been responsible for hiring Ferdinand anyway.

Rather, I do think they have badly misjudged their output, and how one-eyed and bitter Ferdinand can be when they gave him a plum job as lead pundit. I thought the email put up by someone earlier partially acknowledged this (and I'm sure the club have been in touch), and that they are more aware. Sometimes, what is obvious to an onlooker with vested interest (us) is invisible to someone in the media bubble.

I think they have misjudged things. They need educating so they can improve what they do.

If you look at it from City's point of view, and only from City's point of view, there may be some validity in what you say. BT may think it's quite acceptable to act as though it's audience is actually a small club of members who pay a subscription to have a dig at a rival. If this is the case it should not be a surprise to Simon Green. Their audience is, however, nothing of the kind. It became apparent that the audience for BT matches is small and getting smaller, especially for CL matches compared to viewing figures last season. And many of those most vehement in their complaints were not (at least claimed not to be) City fans at all, but English people outraged that the coverage of the last English team in the CL included a Frenchman who was an ex-PSG player, to tell us why PSG would win and to support the French team and an Englishman who admitted freely he was hoping the English team would lose. The presenter then admitted it was hard to get their "expert analyst" to utter one word of praise for an English team which had progressed two rounds at least further than any other English team. Simon Green should go, not because he doesn't support City, not because he doesn't insist that we don't come in for criticism but for the simple reason that he is responsible for a channel which takes subscriptions from viewers and then doesn't even ensure basic editorial standards. The presenter was not up to the task, the expert analysts were never going to be objective and that was obvious to anyone and everyone, but Jake Humphrey was so spineless that he allowed a programme to degenerate minute by minute to its nadir when those analysts were invited to insult those who had paid for tickets for the match rather than for BT's coverage and this managed to insult the patriotism of all those watching. Great television. Well done Simon. Rio Ferdinand, ex-England international.

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