Bundesliga review part 2. the new one :)

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Not seen you on here before - welcome to the forum. Nice to have another clubs perspective (although @Rhineland might not agree).

When a club gets a new manager, you often see the players put in more effort to impress so they can stake a claim for their spot in the first eleven. I'm just wary of that from a selfish point of view for our game next week.

I realise he's been great for you, and the next guy will have to do very well to fill his shoes - the expectations will be huge and Favre had done wonders to take you from relegation certainties to the champions league. Shame he has left in these circumstances.

Who do the fans want?

I know that there could be a relief for some of the players and a boost in confidence etc. thanks to a new voice.

The problem lies within your question.
Right now(and that's something our sportind director already aknowledged) there are non of the top candidates available as they're all under contract in late September.
Their current clubs certainly wouldn't be willing to let them leave(if they ever wanted to) and a guy like Klopp certainly won't be coming our way with the Premier League and Bayern waiting.

Because of that you've got the good old guard of german football waiting including guys like Thomas Schaaf(Bremen, can't defend), Mirko Slomka(solid at Schalke + Hannover, terrible at HSV, but who wasn't?), Felix Magath(eh) or Jens Keller(Schalke, Stuttgart).
None of those guys are great(I'm not sold on Schaaf outside of Bremen) and I'm not sure if Eberl would take a risk like Laudrup etc.

Though, my favourite would be dutch manager Gerd-Jan Verbeek, who's currently working for VFL Bochum and has them at first place in the 2nd division.

So it's probably best to have our coach of the reserves(Andre Schubert) taking over for some time to find a proper manager.

Lothar Matthäus :-)

Yeah, but only if Stefan Effenberg will come in for the PR management and Mario Basler as a conditioning coach...

Like we'd ever have Judas work for the club...
Just turned over to bt at half time and bayern are 5-1 up with lewandoski scoring 5 in 9 minutes. Bleeding hell that's summat you won't see every day
They was in crisis, sacked their manager and now have won both their matches since.

We've lost both league games since then.

Wednesday should be fun.
They was in crisis, sacked their manager and now have won both their matches since.

We've lost both league games since then.

Wednesday should be fun.

We never sacked Favre, he just resigned from the job even though the club told him they're behind him 100%.

We got a bit lucky today but gave up yet another penalty. That's now six penalties conceeded in the last three games.
During the second half Stuttgart should've scored but we were able to prevent that and score the third one in the vaining minutes.

BTW: Schubert's playing a totally different style to Favre. Now we're more of a pressing team, going forward and trying to dictate the game even more with a faster approach towards goal.
Though, I doubt we'll be able to do that too much against you guys and will rather have to do it on the counter attack with Herrmann, Stindl, Raffael, Johnson etc.
Some interesting stuff going on yesterday...results were not so interesting (f*$% you Alex!!) ;)

As you might know the big Rhein Derby between Gladbach and Köln was on. Last season when Köln was playing in Gladbach there was this silly pitch invasion by Köln fans which once more sparked the security issue debate in Germany. As a result Gladbach didnt get the full amount of tickets for the derby yesterday and the tickets were personalised.

Obviously Gladbach fans were not amused and the majority of them didnt attend the match as protest, instead they just showed a banner in the empty away section "Is this what you want?".

Köln fans joined the protest and there were no flags/banners and no organized support in the home section. Köln won 1-0 and Gladbach really is in trouble now with 0 points after 5 match days.

In addition to that there was a huge debate going on in Germany about football clubs showing their support for refugees. As a sign of solidarity all players were supposed to wear a special "refugees welcome" badge. Now the biggest tabloid in Germany, the dreaded "Bild", jumped the bandwagon and got their logo on the badge.

However Bild in the past was notorious for their anti refugees campaign, but now that the general attitude in Germany is more welcoming towards refugees they jumped the Bandwagon as well.

This was followed by massive protests of all fan scenes in Germany and resulted in the #BildNotWelcome hashtag and banners everywhere.

A couple of clubs like Union Berlin and St.Pauli even completely refused to play with the badge as long as the Bild logo is on it. This then resulted in Bild reporters claiming that refugees are not welcome at the Millerntor in St.Pauli which is absolutely silly as their fanscene is know for sponsoring season tickets for refugees etc. since years.

Bild was already despised by the majority of football fans over here for their shit stirring and bullshit news about football "riots" and whatnot, and now they are really in trouble.

So just in case you come across the #BildNotWelcome banners on TV, this is what it is all about.

Just returned home from my Bundesliga marathon ( a special thanks to Rhineland for organising the Cologne tickets, and great to finally meet Aiden)

I must confess to slowly jumping on the Cologne bandwagon, (if there is such a thing)

3 games, 2 wins, 1 draw, is certainly better than my first three City games, 1 win, 1 draw, 1 defeat.

We found the Cologne-Gladbach game quite peculiar, especially as there seemed to be more Gladbach fans in the home end, than in the half-empty visitors section.

After the game, the riot police kindly formed a wall of steel, meaning that a 51 year old City fan, and his slightly older Everton mate, had to walk anti clockwise for roughly three hundred yards, instead of clockwise for roughly 50 yards

The game also provided my first experience of non-alcohol beer (somebody should show the German FA some youtube clips of Luton-Millwall or Birmingham-Leeds from the real days of football violence in the mid 80s. Perhaps they might appreciate that a minor pitch invasion isn’t really in the same league (why don’t they just make an example of the aggressors?)

Both sets of supporters made us welcome, although as I don’t recall Gladbach having a shot on goal for the whole game, there was plenty of time for idle conversation.

At the end of the game I was confidently predicting an easy victory for City in the Champions League. Now, I’m not so sure, but I suppose that’s the beauty of football.

Confusing both sets of fans with my Peter Swales tee shirt.
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