Calling all Labourites, why do you Labour


El Presidente
10 Jan 2005
Team supported
RCD Espanyol
Come on you Labourites, explain why you Labour.

Give us a glimpse into your world of sanity and common sense. Tell us your hero's and why your worship them? Who inspires you and why?

What is your favourite piece of Labour legislation?.

Explain your beliefs and where you got them from?

Nobodies bats need to leave their belfry's on this thread, be honest and enlighten us.
I expect this to be a very short thread that quickly descends into the usual arguments about the IRA, antisemitism and magic money trees.

So try and avoid them, they have been done and dusted. They of course should never be ignored, but lets be sensible and explain why you believe you are on the left of the political spectrum and what you think a left wing society should look like and how you would like it to operate.

Tories here is your chance to say where Labour go wrong and what they would need to do to get your vote.

Centrists, there is another forum called llama world that you can post on that talks about the advantages of having a Waitrose advantage card and what is your favourite urban coffee shop.

As my views are fairly well known I will leave it to others to get the thread started and add my thoughts later.

Viva La Revolution Comrades. ¡No pasarán!
Because I only get a realistic choice of two and they're preferable to the Tories. I did vote Lib Dems in the European elections once though.
John Smith made a great impression on me in my last couple of years of schooling. His ideas I thought were fair which is what I believed in. Was gutted when he died.

Fell under the Blair brainwashing until his clamour for going to war and his pandering to the **** W in the states.

Through my educational training with the RMT I met John McDonnell, Jeremy Corbyn, Robin Cook and Tony Benn. All of them inspired me with their stories of their own struggles (In their talks and the bar after).

I've joined and left labour numerous times because of the direction they've been heading. Corbyn came in and I truly believed his democratic plan was what this country needed. Now I'm wondering why I should bother again.
While i will not vote for anyone but Labour, i can not vote for them at the moment Corbyn did give me hope but even he failed to protect his core voters , Australian immigration laws should be brought in, the population is still growing but jobs are not, house building should be banned until we build power free houses that are not psychologically damaging prison cells, all taxes should be amalgamated including pensions and everyone should pay the same %, thus getting rid of all those thieves and their loop holes, get rid of all those failures at the Bank of England and bring in someone that does know how to make money for the Country not their back pocket.
In short increase everybodies wealth without paying a penny
Extremely poor leadership choices (forced by the unions I believe) have always stopped me voting Labour... if they’d chosen the other Milliband that time then who knows, I might have given them a chance.

I don’t believe that all the recent Labour offers of an easy ride (free stuff) reward hard work and dedication and whilst I agree that we need to support the vulnerable in society I do believe that there would be many cheats who would prosper under a Labour government i.e. too many would CHOOSE to sit on their arses instead of going out and earning a living..

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