Can Rob Handle Being The Only Brazilian At The Club?

Once upon a time, in a kingdom not to far away lived a princess of unmeasurable afluence, beauty (on the ball) and intellegence (in finishing).

This princess was of the samba kingdom who had once travelled oceans (by private charter) to arrive at the promise land to wow audiences of all ages, races and genders creating unity within the blue kingdom.

But one day, the princess was very upset as it turned out her maidens had all left the kingdom and she'd only be left with her riches 'no more dinners in the great Brazillian banquet halls of the kingdom', or 'taking carrages to her maidens estates to comb each others hair... Our princess was distraught...


I'd let you murder my bird, take away my my mates and lock up my family for the kind of money he makes. JESUS!
Once upon a time, in a kingdom not to far away lived a princess of unmeasurable afluence, beauty (on the ball) and intellegence (in finishing).

This princess was of the samba kingdom who had once travelled oceans (by private charter) to arrive at the promise land to wow audiences of all ages, races and genders creating unity within the blue kingdom.

But one day, the princess was very upset as it turned out her maidens had all left the kingdom and she'd only be left with her riches 'no more dinners in the great Brazillian banquet halls of the kingdom', or 'taking carrages to her maidens estates to comb each others hair... Our princess was distraught...

...and then the king, who banished the fair maidens, appeared and said "Alas, my beauty, but I must banish you too. You are indeed the most beautiful in my kingdom, and the head thy gives is indeed worthy of a Royal of my stature. But you don't do the washing up, you flirt with other knights, you're not very good at backgammon and I have found another who does all these things.

Be off with you"
cooky's_overbite said:
In my opinion and am certainly not an ITK i feel Robbie will not be a city player come August.

There are a couple of reasons why i think this. Firstly i don't think that he is what we know as a hughes type player, in the sense of not a true grafter and can often go missing in games. Secondly he often seems to be surrounded by bad press, such as the allegations, leaving without permission and most damaging to his future at city having to explain that he doesn't have issue the Hughes on a regular basis during the midlle of the season.

This being said i am fully aware he has bagged 14 goals in his first season and is undoubtedly talented as we have all seen on occassion this season. I am of the belief though that a manager with so much at stake next season to perfom and deliver would not want to be dealing with theses kind of issues, to be honest if my job was on the line and had the same things to deal neither would i. The club are a season into a mass branding excercise and can do without any future destabilising side show publicity, i feel that we are embarking on a no-one is bigger than myself and the club fergiescum hard line route now and i for one am all for it.

I would be sad to see him go in one sense but with the players that we are going after all seem to posses skill and graft which is a fantastic combination to have in your locker, i do not feel that we would miss him.

This is as stated my opinion.

Your opinion sucks..shall I tell you why?

You say that Robbie has been surrounded by bad press. I tend to agree. However, not in the sense that you mean it. Robbies stint with City was going great guns until the allegation he had to face from some stupid moneygrabbing little tart. His form plummeted and he played like he just wasnt interested. Hardly surprising when you consider the seriousness of the allegation. Some things ARE more important than football.

When the allegation was found to be false, his form and dare I say it, his interest in the club was revitalised. The fact that Robbie has been arguably our highest profile player to date brought with it a heavy burden of responsibility and a microscopic scrutiny of his behaviour by the press. Lazy journalism and the pursuit of 'exclusives' meant that he was in real danger of being 'tried by journalism'.

The fact that you allude to him being the architect of his own (near) downfall means that you're ready and willing to believe what is written about him without question and, more worryingly, somehow believe that he was to blame for events that were, as it transpires, completely out of his control.

If ever there was a lesson to be learned from this, it's the fact that an allegation does NOT make someone guilty, not even by association. My least favourite saying in the English language is 'theres no smoke without fire' Thank fuck Robbie was professional enough to hang in there when the going got tough and wasnt choked completely by the smoke that too many dodgy hacks were intent in fanning around him.

mcs said:
feedthegoat2007 said:
wouldn`t be suprised if robbie goes theres a story on mcfc saying that hughes would be prepared to let him go if the right offer comes in.

The story on MCFC is in the 'What the Papers say' section. Its not an MCFC story and its total bollocks.
lets not forget in away games last season robbie was pretty anonymous and with the expected arrivals of tevez and eto who would both want assurances to be first team regulars,don`t be suprised if robbie goes or ends up coming off the bench as an impact player like he did at real madrid,he wasn`t a hughes signing and doesn`t have the hughes ethos of being a hard working grafting type player like barry,tevez and eto.

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