Can Somebody Explain?


14 Jan 2009
Ok, I really don't understand this.

Apparently, a United win today is a strong indicator that they are going to win the league and they have a great mentality. The press and even fans on here seem to think so.

Is this game worth 15 points or something? Won't they just be in the same position as they were? Behind us?

I understand the press attitude towards this as they have papers to sell, but City fans?

The truth that is staring people in the face, is that we have 11 more battles. We do our part and they do theirs. If we win the battle more times than them over the next eleven, we win the war. Yesterday, we did our bit. The best that they can hope for today is to not lose. They dont have to not lose battles to win the league, they have to win battles and they cannot do that today.

One battle at a time folks, don't believe the hype and ignore them. The only time we should bother with them is when we drop points, to see if they can edge it. Future predications are useless. We have more people in our first team who have won trophies than they have. Keep calm, and keep focused. The amount of times this season that we have gotten nervous and passed those nerves onto the players is the only advantage that they have. Our players and staff already know how to win leagues. Now it's our turn to learn.
Heard Gary Neville say earlier that he thought if United can stay within 5 points of us after February that they are in the driving seat.....

Surely being top puts you in the driving seat??
In the papers this morning I read one quote that went thus:

"Spurs are the rabbits caught in the headlights of the United juggernaut, which is gradually building momentum...."

That same juggernaut is five points behind us, has been misfiring all season and I'm sure there's a wheel or two loose.

Spurs away is no easy proposition. I for one think Spurs will more than hold their own this afternoon.

Fuck the British Press. There, I've said it.....
You are right but as we have difficult games coming up, it is likely that we will drop some points between now and playing them, where as they have much easier games and are therefore likely to no drop any/many points so will probably be above us come the derby - I think.
I think it's just the way they won't fuck off as they've been there and done it umpteen times.

I'm now more than ever convinced the title is ours, with perhaps only away at Arsenal being a potential slip up. We are playing with that confidence again which will see us through, but we do have to be careful as like I say they have been there and done it and won't be fucking off any time soon.

Personally I see a 2-2 today for United.
It's simply a matter of who can hold their nerve, plus a certain amount of luck.

The width of a goalpost could decide it......look at yesterday.

Great for the neutral though.
If they win today, they will be top when we play Chelsea, which does put pressure on us, but I agree that it's ours to lose
Damocles said:
Ok, I really don't understand this.

Apparently, a United win today is a strong indicator that they are going to win the league and they have a great mentality. The press and even fans on here seem to think so.

Is this game worth 15 points or something? Won't they just be in the same position as they were? Behind us?

I understand the press attitude towards this as they have papers to sell, but City fans?

The truth that is staring people in the face, is that we have 11 more battles. We do our part and they do theirs. If we win the battle more times than them over the next eleven, we win the war. Yesterday, we did our bit. The best that they can hope for today is to not lose. They dont have to not lose battles to win the league, they have to win battles and they cannot do that today.

One battle at a time folks, don't believe the hype and ignore them. The only time we should bother with them is when we drop points, to see if they can edge it. Future predications are useless. We have more people in our first team who have won trophies than they have. Keep calm, and keep focused. The amount of times this season that we have gotten nervous and passed those nerves onto the players is the only advantage that they have. Our players and staff already know how to win leagues. Now it's our turn to learn.

Our next 11 battles are no different than our previous 11 and we can win them if we play to our strengths,where all these muppets get their ideas from is beyond me..They managed to win away last week by an injury time winner against Norwich yet this week they play Spuds away and its all over before the ball is kicked..
This is what I have to say to them..........

Pah !!
Damocles said:
Ok, I really don't understand this.

Apparently, a United win today is a strong indicator that they are going to win the league and they have a great mentality. The press and even fans on here seem to think so.

Is this game worth 15 points or something? Won't they just be in the same position as they were? Behind us?

I understand the press attitude towards this as they have papers to sell, but City fans?

The truth that is staring people in the face, is that we have 11 more battles. We do our part and they do theirs. If we win the battle more times than them over the next eleven, we win the war. Yesterday, we did our bit. The best that they can hope for today is to not lose. They dont have to not lose battles to win the league, they have to win battles and they cannot do that today.

One battle at a time folks, don't believe the hype and ignore them. The only time we should bother with them is when we drop points, to see if they can edge it. Future predications are useless. We have more people in our first team who have won trophies than they have. Keep calm, and keep focused. The amount of times this season that we have gotten nervous and passed those nerves onto the players is the only advantage that they have. Our players and staff already know how to win leagues. Now it's our turn to learn.

I think the problem is that most people see this as Uniteds biggest battle (until the derby) - football obviously always throws up surprises, but only 2 points behind with a supposed easy run of games up to the derby and people are rightly nervous - especially with us facing Arsenal and Chelsea (who are going to start to find form again soon)

We've never been in this position before, and I can honestly say that the pressure at the top if FAR worse than the pressure at the bottom!!
LeeOnePen said:
If they win today, they will be top when we play Chelsea, which does put pressure on us, but I agree that it's ours to lose

If they win today, they'll be 2 points behind us?

We then both play at 2pm on Sun 11th March.

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