Can they all be wrong??

Of course we were a team of strangers & it showed, particularly going forward. We ARE a team of strangers. There's no point in denying it. Imagine what we'll be like when we get to know each other though?

Some of these tossers are going to be seriously unhappy once we get it right.
larderland said:
iv been watching the coverage of us on match of the day and listening to soccer saturday and they all seem to think were a team of strangers like they all said last year and they seem to think its no diff this year..i know now lot of youse on here hate them but can they all be wrong??everyone bar city fans think were a joke and arent that good...jus want tosee what ppl think,i see were they are coming from but at the same time rubbish them

With the greatest respect mate, you tell me if they're wrong. You come on here every day, constantly searching out stories about City, it's players and it's staff. You hear every rumour about them all and watch every game then spend hours and hours debating with fellow blues and dissecting every point of the game.

You are far more of an expert about City than 'pundits' who watch a few highlights are.
I think we need two early samples before anyone can pass judgement yet. One tough fixture away (check) and one at home (vs Liverpool). Then let's see how the early team looks. We need a good month of training and matches before this team will be in full gear. I hope we can just grab as many points as possible along the way (like we already have).
they all want us to fail the fucking season finishes in may 11 not august 10 twats the lot of em
there's very little detailed analysis about what we're doing on the pitch. It's all about off the pitch- transfers, wages, supposed internal politics.

The guys on MOTD are stating the obvious, but of course they like to do it in a way which sensationalizes City. It's the media, that's their job.
Damocles said:
larderland said:
iv been watching the coverage of us on match of the day and listening to soccer saturday and they all seem to think were a team of strangers like they all said last year and they seem to think its no diff this year..i know now lot of youse on here hate them but can they all be wrong??everyone bar city fans think were a joke and arent that good...jus want tosee what ppl think,i see were they are coming from but at the same time rubbish them

With the greatest respect mate, you tell me if they're wrong. You come on here every day, constantly searching out stories about City, it's players and it's staff. You hear every rumour about them all and watch every game then spend hours and hours debating with fellow blues and dissecting every point of the game.

You are far more of an expert about City than 'pundits' who watch a few highlights are.
And that's it really. Who fucking cares what he/she/him/them/others say?
Some good replies on here.
They just sensationalise, and there is no attempt to look for anything positive where City are concerned - save that Hart has got all the plaudits for a fantastic display - and rightly so BUT has anyone seen a journo giving Mancini ANY credit for making that brave call?
There were loads of positives for me in yesterdays game, but I won't detail them here as that wasn't your question.
truth is in the middle, I think a lot on here overestimate us, overestimate how easy it will be to gel and move to teh top 4.

Equally a lot of pundits want us to fall flat on our faces, want to be cynical and say so.

i wouldn't take too much notice of what they say though, they are paid to say what the audience wants to hear and 19 other prem clubs want us to fail (and who can blame them), so lets be honest if they sat saying how good we were and how great signings were it would p*ss off their audience. They say what people want to hear - same as the Sun or Talksport

I find it funny people on here get so het up about it!

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