Can We Move On....

AIQ88 said:
rickmcfc said:
...from all the negative shit on this forum that has been spiralling out of control for the past 3 months. We, me, us, you are all Manchester City fans and when we need to stand up and be counted, we are constantly bickering about issues they are quite frankly beyond our control.

On Saturday we have one of the biggest games in our clubs history. If we win we stand a great chance to win the FA Cup and finally remove "that banner" at The Swamp. We need to stand up as one, shoulder to shoulder and do all we can to spur the blues on to victory. Should the worst happen and we don't win, we must not jump on the back of Mancini but move on, and concentrate on the league, 4th was the target set out by the chairman after all.

All these "Mancini" topics are just shocking. This guy is at the helm of our football club. He holds the key to success whether you like it or not, and we must stand by the man and let him get on with his business. We have all been frustrated recently and all think that we can "do a better job" with the millions that Mancini has had at his displosal, but it is simply much much more than splashing the cash and the rest will simply fall into place.

Our football club is moving forward faster than any other club in footballing history. In this short space of time i feel that we have done remarkably well. When Sheik Mansour took over at city, there was a 5 year plan, this is year 3 of that plan and in the grand scheme of things, we are on track for that. Part of the plan was/is Champions League Football and with a few more wins, we will acheive that but we must be 100% behind the team.

Come on, lets stop all the negativity, the media in this country do enough of that without us joining in as well, its about time we started to look positive.


So do you want Mancini in or out then?

best post i've read on here in weeks!

at least not everyones gone mad.
ban-mcfc said:
best post i've read on here in weeks!

at least not everyones gone mad.

Thanks, i just feel that city fans on here prefer moaning 24/7. The team need us behind them right now, not nit-picking at every error made. Mistakes will happen in football, thats what makes the game what it is, and we must take the highs and lows in tandom.
Soulboy said:
No matter how angry and frustrated I am at the moment with the manager, come Saturday all that will be forgotten.

I will sing my heart out, I will urge this team on with unbridled passion.

And why woudn't I? I'm a City fan.

Managers come and managers go... but at the moment I feel like I need to get my anger off my chest, and to vent my spleen!

I won't be doing it at Wembley on Saturday... so I'm doing it right here, right now, on a messageboard.

It's no different to having a moan in the pub with your mates. I wish some on here would stop believing that what is said on Bluemoon eventually becomes Policy at the club!
Where do people get their ideas from them?

If you thought your words really were no more than a release you'd just swear and wouldn't bother trying to articulate your thoughts
ban-mcfc said:
best post i've read on here in weeks!

at least not everyones gone mad.


Real fans stay behind the team and (at least sometimes) encourage where possible - even though they see their faults.

This is because they realise slagging all and sundry off will make no difference (it could possibly make things worse, if those being slagged off read the messages posted on here).

Yes it's worth debating the things that are wrong. It's interesting to share opinions (well, constructive, helpful ones anyway).

BUT before the season's over we shouldn't be creating one bitter thread after another about how many of our players "are crap", our manager will "win us nothing" and "you'll see I'm right soon, when we get hammered on Sat and we're not in the CL at the end of the season".

Perhaps this is to avoid the embarassment of being wrong, if - god forbid - the team/Mancini actually DO win/achieve something?

These threads just make it sound like the poster would rather be right, than we do well! Doubtless this will be stoutly denied, but it's not worth denying if you aren't prepared to give credit where credit's due, and balance your argument.

I expect the bit about "credit where it's due" will be laughed at by the Mancini haters...

Well, we were nearly top of the league at Xmas. Only recent form has kept us out the top three, and some of it can legitimately be explained by the pile up of games, and injuries to key players.

There's nothing embarassing about getting behind the team/manager. And it's not something to take the piss out of either. Having faith in someone doesn't make it "blind faith". Some people aren't behaving like spoilt kids who want short term success. Some fans welcome the steady improvement at City in recent years, and appreciate the change in tactics/mentality that Mancini has brought.

Add to this the fact that Mancini isn't as stubborn as some would have you believe, and admits he is still learning to be a manager at the top end of the Prem and.. well there's promise for a really bright future - given more time.

It's not even the end of the season, and people want Bobby out for christs' sake..

Some of the threads on here aren't going to help us get to the final of the cup this Saturday, nor are they going to help us qualify for the CL over the next 6 games, either.

Leave the judgement til it's time to judge, namely in the summer, and more importantly, when there is something definitive to judge!

Again, great post OP.
Soulboy said:
No matter how angry and frustrated I am at the moment with the manager, come Saturday all that will be forgotten.

I will sing my heart out, I will urge this team on with unbridled passion.

And why woudn't I? I'm a City fan.

Managers come and managers go... but at the moment I feel like I need to get my anger off my chest, and to vent my spleen!

I won't be doing it at Wembley on Saturday... so I'm doing it right here, right now, on a messageboard.

It's no different to having a moan in the pub with your mates. I wish some on here would stop believing that what is said on Bluemoon eventually becomes Policy at the club!

Just because people have contrary opinions on here and might be seen to be pessimistic and questioning of how Mancini's running the club, doesn't mean that they aren't just as determined and proud for City to succeed as you.

What kind of forum is set up for everyone to agree on everything?! Now come on, let's have a bit of a disagreement and some banter!
DSonBlue said:
ban-mcfc said:
best post i've read on here in weeks!

at least not everyones gone mad.


Real fans stay behind the team and (at least sometimes) encourage where possible - even though they see their faults.

This is because they realise slagging all and sundry off will make no difference (it could possibly make things worse, if those being slagged off read the messages posted on here).

Yes it's worth debating the things that are wrong. It's interesting to share opinions (well, constructive, helpful ones anyway).

BUT before the season's over we shouldn't be creating one bitter thread after another about how many of our players "are crap", our manager will "win us nothing" and "you'll see I'm right soon, when we get hammered on Sat and we're not in the CL at the end of the season".

Perhaps this is to avoid the embarassment of being wrong, if - god forbid - the team/Mancini actually DO win/achieve something?

These threads just make it sound like the poster would rather be right, than we do well! Doubtless this will be stoutly denied, but it's not worth denying if you aren't prepared to give credit where credit's due, and balance your argument.

I expect the bit about "credit where it's due?" will be laughed at by the Mancini haters...

We were nearly top of the league at Xmas. Only recent form has kept us out the top three, and some of it can legitimately be explained by the pile up of games, and injuries to key players.

There's nothing embarassing about getting behind the team/manager. And it's not something to take the piss out of either. Having faith in someone doesn't make it "blind faith". Some people aren't behaving like spoilt kids who want short term success. Some fans welcome the steady improvement at City in recent years, and appreciate the change in tactics/mentality that Mancini has brought.

Add to this the fact that Mancini isn't as stubborn as some would have you believe, and admits he is still learning to be a manager at the top end of the Prem and.. well there's promise for a really bright future - given more time.

It's not even the end of the season, and people want Bobby out for christs' sake..

Some of the threads on here aren't going to help us get to the final of the cup this Saturday, nor are they going to help us qualify for the CL over the next 6 games, either.

Leave the judgement til it's time to judge, namely in the summer, and more importantly, when there is something definitive to judge!

Again, great post OP.
Words on a forum don't constitute getting behind the team.

On Saturday me, Dave, DD, Danamy, BS, JTU, and all the others branded negative cunts will still be cheering the lads on with every bit of energy we've got, hoping and praying we beat the shite.

But this is the place to discuss faults. And doing so doesn't make us less fans than those who back Bobby.
Bluemoon115 said:
DSonBlue said:

Real fans stay behind the team and (at least sometimes) encourage where possible - even though they see their faults.

This is because they realise slagging all and sundry off will make no difference (it could possibly make things worse, if those being slagged off read the messages posted on here).

Yes it's worth debating the things that are wrong. It's interesting to share opinions (well, constructive, helpful ones anyway).

BUT before the season's over we shouldn't be creating one bitter thread after another about how many of our players "are crap", our manager will "win us nothing" and "you'll see I'm right soon, when we get hammered on Sat and we're not in the CL at the end of the season".

Perhaps this is to avoid the embarassment of being wrong, if - god forbid - the team/Mancini actually DO win/achieve something?

These threads just make it sound like the poster would rather be right, than we do well! Doubtless this will be stoutly denied, but it's not worth denying if you aren't prepared to give credit where credit's due, and balance your argument.

I expect the bit about "credit where it's due?" will be laughed at by the Mancini haters...

We were nearly top of the league at Xmas. Only recent form has kept us out the top three, and some of it can legitimately be explained by the pile up of games, and injuries to key players.

There's nothing embarassing about getting behind the team/manager. And it's not something to take the piss out of either. Having faith in someone doesn't make it "blind faith". Some people aren't behaving like spoilt kids who want short term success. Some fans welcome the steady improvement at City in recent years, and appreciate the change in tactics/mentality that Mancini has brought.

Add to this the fact that Mancini isn't as stubborn as some would have you believe, and admits he is still learning to be a manager at the top end of the Prem and.. well there's promise for a really bright future - given more time.

It's not even the end of the season, and people want Bobby out for christs' sake..

Some of the threads on here aren't going to help us get to the final of the cup this Saturday, nor are they going to help us qualify for the CL over the next 6 games, either.

Leave the judgement til it's time to judge, namely in the summer, and more importantly, when there is something definitive to judge!

Again, great post OP.
Words on a forum don't constitute getting behind the team.

On Saturday me, Dave, DD, Danamy, BS, JTU, and all the others branded negative cunts will still be cheering the lads on with every bit of energy we've got, hoping and praying we beat the shite.

But this is the place to discuss faults. And doing so doesn't make us less fans than those who back Bobby.

That's good to hear and I have done, and will be doing the same on Saturday (hope to be at the Green Man in time).

BUT - don't you think it's a tad hypocritical for some to be calling for players / the manager to go, only then to chant and cheer at their success at the weekend?

You very rarely - if ever - see people who criticise the team/manager one week, go on to give praise in anything like equal measure when things are going well.

The problem I have is with those that only ever appear when things are going badly. If you are one of those that isn't just a doom monger then fair play pal.

I hope I'm with the majority on here this week in saying that:

This saturday, I'm going to forget everything that's not gone to plan this season, and instead give the lads (and Bobby) everything I can in the name of a potentially momentous City win.


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