
Get a cake mix from the supermarket, bang in the green and bake as directed. Takes a while to come on compared with smoking but lasts longer and more intense. Fill yer cake tins!
Not got anything against anyone smoking it at all. Smoked a fair bit of it in my youth.

But what's the deal with people thinking it's a badge of honour. Seen several people with various different ganja items. T shirts, lighters, tobacco tins and that's harmless enough I suppose. But seen several people with tattoos recently.

What's the deal with that. You wouldn't tattoo yourself with a picture of a strongbow 3 litre bottle if you were an alky or a syringe if you were a crack head. Why do weed smokers think it some sort of status?
I love my Strongbow 3l tattoo and my syringe one is also a thing of beauty. How dare you, its Art!

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