Capello GONE

mancunial said:
Damocles said:
More than a few points to say about this decision.

Firstly, I'm dismayed that the FA and the press has managed to oust the most successful manager of England ever. Capello has the highest win record of any England manager ever. His qualifying record is almost flawless; even at the World Cup where it is generally regarded that he underachieved, he reached the round of 16 and was only beaten by a resurgent German team.

The only possible criticism that anybody can have about Capello is sociological and driven by the Fleet Street boys' agenda to get their bessie mates in big roles. Those who pay attention to the sports writers or anyone who has sat down with them for more than a minute will know what I mean by that. Harry WILL get the job, just as the press put Hughes in the City job despite his only redeeming qualification is that he was born in England. I'll go into more detail here if necessary.

Apparently, talking to the Italian press was a slight, or backing an innocent man (and Terry IS still an innocent man) was a slight, or his English was a slight or a bunch of other non-footballing reasons. I honestly could not give a flying fuck about any of these. He's the national team manager, I care about how he does on the pitch.

Football wise, he managed 42 games and had a bad performance in maybe 5 of them. A couple of them were in South Africa at the World Cup, but since then he has handed debuts to Johnson, Wilshere, Walker, Dawson, Jaglieka, Carroll and made guys like Hart a regular. He is filling his remit of bringing through a new generation after the World Cup - exactly what the press and board wanted. During this time he qualified for the Euros without losing a single game. Based on this alone, he was a resounding success.

More to the point though, English football is a complete fucking laughing stock again. We've just sacked (and he WAS sacked) one of the greatest and most successful managers of all time who had a nearly untouchable record at international level. He has won leagues, Champions Leagues, cups, the lot.
We will appoint a bloke who once won an FA Cup that cost the club its financial solvency.

You see, what people don't seem to get is that we are not very good at football. We haven't been for a long time. Quarter finals or so are about our "level". History mainly bares this out. Expecting us to rampage into any tournament is ridiculous nonsense that has no factual basis.

We don't have the infrastructure. We don't have the coaches or the coaching facilities. We don't have the backing of the clubs. Most of all, we don't have a national footballing identity to show us to play in a certain way, and the only thing that we have that approaches this was out of date in the 70s. When 'Arry gets the job, he will try to use this and will fail miserably, yet again providing laughs for the whole world at how pathetic we have become. Can you imagine Arry's kick n rush brand of 4-4-2 football against the Spanish? Fuck me.

The FA have worked tirelessly to try and address these faults. The coaching qualification pathway has changed, we are focusing players much more on Futsal and they are building a new National Football Centre. This is great news for the national team in 15 years, but not much good now.

The Spanish and Portuguese started their infrastructure building around 1995. The Germans started theirs in 2002. It takes a long time for the tree to bare fruit. This is definitely against the agenda of the press who in a world of 24 hour news, talk radio and online editions want everything now, now, NOW. This is also why successive England managers have been forced out by the press; almost every manager since Ramsey. Sir Bobby wrote in his book that he left because the press were calling for his head. Then he went to PSV, Benfica and Barca, won a shitload of titles, trained the next generation of coaches and revolutionised the game as he was doing so. But he wasn't good enough for the Little Englanders who demanded that he win everything in sight every year.

The FA are fucking flakes. They remind me of a drunk virgin teenager desperately trying to cop a feel at a party. In the end, because of their needless desperation and desire to please in the most sycophantic way, they'll be going home and having a wank. In fact, this is quite a good analogy for the state of English football at a national level in general.

I was talking on Twitter to Liam about this not 10 hours ago and couldn't believe that anybody at the FA would be retarded enough to remove Capello from his position. This is not the actions of a set of people who are thinking about the long term health of the game.

So....what now?

Well in a perfect world when picking a manager, you generally pick the guy who has achieved the most. Unfortunately, I don't somehow see the FA begging Steve McClaren to take on the role. Outside of this is Hodgson who the press will never accept (and they are the ones who essentially make decisions for the FA). I'd quite like someone like Stephen Constantine or particularly Bob Houghton but nobody cares who these highly influential, talented and successful coaches are so they won't be getting it.

If we go over English only and allow British, I'd like someone like Brendan Rodgers or Paul Lambert; two guys who are both young, hands on coaches who have achieved a lot in a little amount of time, are tactically aware, have a vision of a style of football and have excellent records in developing young players and getting the best out of older players. But they aren't fashionable either, so they won't get it.

If we allow foreigners, I'd take Mourinho or Hitzfeld, both managers who have achieved a shedload in their career and would relish the England job.

But we're not going to do any of this. We're going to appoint a bloke who took a team in 4th to 4th spot whilst spending £200m to do so, has a very dodgy record with corruption and has never achieved a single thing in 30 years of the game because his mates in the press talk him up and idiots believe that this is talent. He has achieved less than Sam Allardyce, who apparently is a national joke despite bringing in training and coaching methods WAY ahead of their time and turning perennial relegation candidates Bolton into a contender for UEFA Cup spots.

I fucking despair at times, I really do.
that is a brilliant assessment
Spot on. First Class post.
DiscoSteve said:
Well I just hope Anton Fucking Ferdinand is please with himself the fucking spineless twat

He deserves EVERYTHING he gets thrown at him after this, the little whinging shit.

Because ALL of this is because he whinged "oooo John Terry called me a name..."

And the FA also are completely pathetic - no "Strong Leadership" there - they decided that "innocent until proven guilty" doesn't wash in their la-la-land - I though David Bernstein had some feckin brains
Yeh, Bernstein has the 'feckin brains' of a man of Jewish origin who's people suffered at the hands of brain-dead oiks like you!!!

You're a proper steamin lump of dog-shit fella!!!!
Disgusting treatment of a great manager. Little Englanders win again and deserve all they get now.

Funny how nobody was telling Redknapp to step down from the Spuds job whilst his case was going to court.

Capello did not resign. He was paid-off because as we know Bernstein doesn't have the bottle to say anything.
DiscoSteve said:
Well I just hope Anton Fucking Ferdinand is please with himself the fucking spineless twat

He deserves EVERYTHING he gets thrown at him after this, the little whinging shit.

Because ALL of this is because he whinged "oooo John Terry called me a name..."

And the FA also are completely pathetic - no "Strong Leadership" there - they decided that "innocent until proven guilty" doesn't wash in their la-la-land - I though David Bernstein had some feckin brains

you have to be sorry you posted this shit.
Surely win percentages for a national manager arent as important?

If you get knocked out in the Quarter finals then you dont play the semi and final to lose.

So you could all your group games and the second round match and then get beat. Thats a respectable win percentage of 80%!! But you arent sucessful are you. England should be getting to semi finals and finals and the fact is they don't as regularly as they should.

Anyway in respect of Capello he is clearly a club manager and clearly didnt want the role - the Terry captain thing was an excuse.
Surprised at the number of people suddenly leaping to Capello's defence. The FA(rce) are what they are. But that doesn't change the fact that Capello has been an appalling England manager. Our play has not progressed one iota from when he joined. We are still at the mercy of the old guard he was supposed to be ridding us of. People using win %'s as a defence of his time in charge are completely ignoring the one paced, often soulless and spineless performances, which regardless of victory, masked an underlying malaise which came into sharp focus at the last world cup.

He was the wrong appointment to begin with. I feel sorry for Bernstein because he's basically cleaning up a big stinking pile of shit which was left behind for him. He's done the right thing is cutting Capello off at the knees. John Terry next please. He shouldn't be going to the euros and I'm sure whoever the next England manager is, will see to that.

Regarding Rednapp taking the job. I think the FA are missing a trick. Rednapp should focus on Spurs until at least the end of this season. Which means the FA should be talking to people like Hiddink, Benitez, Hitzfeld, Van Gaal, etc. and seeing if any of them is interested in taking England team to the Euro's on a one off basis. It may actually work in everyone's favour to have someone in there who's under no pressure, and who will walk away regardless after the tournament. I realize some will say that's the situation Capello was in, but Capello clearly wasn't loving his role as England manager and wanted out. Bringing in someone on a short term basis until after the euros, particularly if it's someone like the names I've mentioned above, could be as big a boost to the team as ruining Spurs' season and giving 'Arry the job now. Particularly if that person brings some enthusiasm along with their tactical nous.
We may know more after the press conference but Capello has sown the seeds of his own downfall. Terry had the captaincy taken off him after the Wayne Bridge affair and should never have been given it back. That was mistake number one and he's only got himself to blame for that.

The second problem was that Terry, like Chris Huhne, should have had the sense to voluntarily stand down when he was charged. There has ot be a recognition that despite being innocent until proven guilty, there is an issue that needs to be dealt with before that point. But he didn't so he left the FA with a decision to make. Because of hte mess that Capello and Terry left them in they would be damned whatever they did.

I think they did the right thing morally but we don't know what went on behind the scenes. Was Terry asked to stand down and refused? Was Capello asked to drop him as captain and refused? If Capello can't recognise that there's a serious issue here then fuck him - we're better off without him plus we've seen Italians' attitude to racism clearly enough in their treatment of Mario.

The irony is that the man taking charge for the next game is possibly a racist himself and certainly did nothing to discourage a racial divide in the dressing room when he was our manager. It may even have been something he fostered and I believe Bernstein regards the man with contempt.
I have to say I think/hope that Bernstein actually told Capello to do one because he tried to undermine the FA's decision.

It would be a refreshing change for the FA to have someone to make the hard decisions and not let them fester.

Ultimately Bernstein lives and dies by his decisions and this one for me is the right one because you cant have someone undermine you even if it's the great Fabio Capello.
Prestwich_Blue said:
We may know more after the press conference but Capello has sown the seeds of his own downfall. Terry had the captaincy taken off him after the Wayne Bridge affair and should never have been given it back. That was mistake number one and he's only got himself to blame for that.

The second problem was that Terry, like Chris Huhne, should have had the sense to voluntarily stand down when he was charged. There has ot be a recognition that despite being innocent until proven guilty, there is an issue that needs to be dealt with before that point. But he didn't so he left the FA with a decision to make. Because of hte mess that Capello and Terry left them in they would be damned whatever they did.

I think they did the right thing morally but we don't know what went on behind the scenes. Was Terry asked to stand down and refused? Was Capello asked to drop him as captain and refused? If Capello can't recognise that there's a serious issue here then fuck him - we're better off without him plus we've seen Italians' attitude to racism clearly enough in their treatment of Mario.

The irony is that the man taking charge for the next game is possibly a racist himself and certainly did nothing to discourage a racial divide in the dressing room when he was our manager. It may even have been something he fostered and I believe Bernstein regards the man with contempt.
Why should he? The concept of justice in this country is so warped with terrorism and racism hysteria. Not to say that both examples are horrific and need to be dealt with by the full extent of the law, but thats just the problem, it not law, its mob justice.

I defended Suarez earlier in the season because I thought the way the FA handled it was disgusting. I later changed my mind when I saw just how much evidence the FA had and concluded that they were absolutely right; but when people were calling for his head over "he said she said" I just had to wonder what things were coming to. Even though he's a **** of a player, we shouldn't be lynching people.

Capello said to the Italian media:

"They really insulted me and damaged my authority," Capello was quoted as saying by Italpresse. "What really hit me and forced me to take this decision was the fact the much-vaunted Anglo-Saxon sense of justice, as they are the first to claim that everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

"In Terry's case, they gravely offended me and damaged my authority at the head of the England side, effectively creating a problem for the squad.

"I have never tolerated certain crossing of lines, so it was easy for me to spot it and take my decision to leave."

If he's in charge of the squad, he made the decision that Terry was the best man for the job. Presuming our "much vaunted" sense of justice, and that the dressing room was not in disarray over the matter (nor is Chelsea's despite our large black contingent), why should he hamstring himself by not using the best captain available? And say what you will about Terry, but his leadership ability is as good as it gets. Its the main reason he's survived as an automatic starter at Chelsea through practically his entire career. The FA overruled him not because of issues in the squad, but because of the media pressure and the conviction in the court of public opinion. Consequently we've lost one of the best managers in the world, for Harry Redknapp.

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