Caption Competition

yeah whatever !! said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
What's George saying?


"Tell me Joey - do you like films about gladiators?"
"Tell me young man, what do you like about this academy" ?
"I love it here...
There's a place where you train,
There's a place where you relax,
There's a place where you eat..
And there's a place where U kip".

Clever that.-
Prestwich_Blue said:

the boy is saying..

"so i jumped over the fence looking for my footy that lebron kicked over but i'd had enough of him anyway cos he picks his nose and wipes it on the back of his head but his sister is a slag and i hang around with him to cop off with her and she promised next week to gimme a hand job at the back of super saver and anyway then i found this tracky top so i put i on and then got called over by a big guy in a dark blue jacket and sent into here and i havent got a clue what im doing cos i cant even find the on switch or remote for this there any food on the go around here"

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