Car Insurers you are a DISGRACE


Well-Known Member
29 Jan 2010
Its Guinness time any day of the week.
I`ve had a Car Insurance Quote from my existing Insurers Swinton to confirm my new Direct Debit for the forthcoming year.
I stupidly forgot last year to "shop around" but overnight I did and found that Santander were offering a good offer for me. Nothing had changed from last year and I`ve enjoyed 9 years No Claim Bonus and even includes my 40 year old daughter, who lives in Bulgaria but stays with us occasionally and uses my car.
So my new Insurance with them is a nice £465.40 for this nice FOC and his daughter and includes a small monthly fee for taking it out as a monthly Direct Debit.
I called to tell Swinton that I would NO longer be renewing with them for next year and the dear girl at the other end was lost for words when I asked could they match Santanders quote. ;)
The robbing bastards at Swinton wanted £978.40 for exactly the same insurance.
Talk about money grabbing gits so my fellow Blue Mooners who constantly stay with the same Insurance Company for years, spend an hour or so looking and shopping around when your new policy is ready for renewing.
I suspect most of you already do this.
I`ve had a Car Insurance Quote from my existing Insurers Swinton to confirm my new Direct Debit for the forthcoming year.
I stupidly forgot last year to "shop around" but overnight I did and found that Santander were offering a good offer for me. Nothing had changed from last year and I`ve enjoyed 9 years No Claim Bonus and even includes my 40 year old daughter, who lives in Bulgaria but stays with us occasionally and uses my car.
So my new Insurance with them is a nice £465.40 for this nice FOC and his daughter and includes a small monthly fee for taking it out as a monthly Direct Debit.
I called to tell Swinton that I would NO longer be renewing with them for next year and the dear girl at the other end was lost for words when I asked could they match Santanders quote. ;)
The robbing bastards at Swinton wanted £978.40 for exactly the same insurance.
Talk about money grabbing gits so my fellow Blue Mooners who constantly stay with the same Insurance Company for years, spend an hour or so looking and shopping around when your new policy is ready for renewing.
I suspect most of you already do this.
We just had that with Swinton ,though I think it’s common with many insurers, we were insured for £310, the renewal was £660. Shopped around got £310, and plenty of quotes in the £300/£350 range ,when we rang Swinton to cancel auto renewal the best they could do was £610.
Makes no sense that the existing insurers can be so far out and make no attempt to keep customers,almost like they are relying on people auto renewing.
Th insurance industry runs on data.

If you have a certain brand of car, live in a certain post code and are a certain age, and all that matches with their data that says lots of those combinations had claims this year, the price will go up.

It feels stupid but it's probably logical to them.

When you shop around, you find some company that hasn't had a load of claims for your combination and therefore you get a better deal.
We just had that with Swinton ,though I think it’s common with many insurers, we were insured for £310, the renewal was £660. Shopped around got £310, and plenty of quotes in the £300/£350 range ,when we rang Swinton to cancel auto renewal the best they could do was £610.
Makes no sense that the existing insurers can be so far out and make no attempt to keep customers,almost like they are relying on people auto renewing.
Can`t understand their stupidity in fleecing existing customers as you say, even more so when you have a very good 9 years NO CLAIMS.
I used to work for a broker. My top tip is that if you go to either a broker or comparison website, find out the company they are quoting, then go direct to that company. You will fine they will be even cheaper
Not necessarily true in all cases. I've been with my current insurers for donkeys years now (must be nearly 20 years). Their renewal quote was at least €250 cheaper than anyone else I tried. €390 fully comp, NCB protection, windscreen, breakdown cover etc etc. That's for a 2021 Hyundai Tucson, standard diesel (not electric). I had a crash in 2008, which resulted in the car being written off. I really couldn't complain with the way I was treated. And my premium didn't flicker come renewal time 6 months later (protected NCB, it pays to stump up the bit extra).

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