Carlitos Tevez doesn't get enough credit for what he's done

OJ Blue said:
What short memories we've got.

We were beside ourselves when he signed from "that" lot.

He's had the greatest form of his career and helped us win our first silverware in 35 years, of course he's made some offensive comments in the media about Manchester, but the lad is a professional footballer, not a professional Manc. Nobody tries harder and he loves winding the Rags up, what's not to like?.......

Big up Carlos, I still love you (in a manly way).
He was captain and put in a transfer request in the middle of a fight for a title. End of story.
If City hadn't started the way they did he'd be crying about wanting to leave. He's a grade-A douchebag who will screw City over the first chance he gets.
Tevez as a player is world class and awesome workrate.

However he has proved he is not worthy of being captain with his lack of commitment to the club with his off field comments. He is no longer first choice on the team sheet but i'd rather have him in our team than having to face him a CL game.
SilvaAnnie said:
Whatever Tevez has said or not said (probably more the latter) his 20 goals last season got us where we are today i.e. looking forward to Champions League football.
So many people use this argument. You can't just take twenty goals from us and say look we wouldn't be playing Champions League football without Tevez. The fact of the matter is that Tevez isn't playing, different players score goals because we play with eleven men in a season NOT ten. His scoring record is also inflated by the fact that he's a penalty taker. The difference in the scoring ratio is 0.06 goals per game, or less than three goals over a season. Those 2-3 goals, were worth an extra 0.13 points per game which would be worth five points. That's Tevez's worth from last season, five extra points and a few extra goals on the goal difference. Subtract that from 71 points and you get 66. That would have been enough for 4th. That's without employing other counterfactual arguments, like, would Balotelli and Dzeko (from January onwards) have scored a lot more if the team was built around them and not Tevez.
Mike N said:
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
Mike N said:
Up to now, he's the greatest player ever to pull on our blue shirt.

That's an insult to Colin Bell, Buzzer and Mike Doyle to name but three.

It's not an insult, it's just my opinion.

Colin Bell is a legend, do doubt. But compare Buzzer and Mike Doyle to Tevez is simply stupid. They wouldnt lace is boots.

Tevez is clearly a plonker but I was only talking about what he does on the pitch. Nothing to do with what goes on his head.

Did you ever watch Mike Summerbee play, in his heyday? Wouldn't lace his boots, you have got to be fucking joking! In the most inconsistent team in the English league he was known as Mr. Consistency. He played great, practically every game, for YEARS. I know knowledgeable City fans who rated Summerbee's contribution of the team higher than that of any other player, including Bell. If Tevez had played for City for 10 years, been the best player a large part of that time, had won everything going, then we might have somebody to compare.

Mike Doyle was a totally different player - defensive midfield and centre half. He was Mr City for many years, totally loyal to the club. To even mention him in the same post as Tevez is an insult to Doyle. Doyle cared a great deal about the club, Manchester City - compare THAT to Tevez.

Tevez is a self server on the pitch. It worked for us while we were basically defensive and needed an outlet and played with a single striker. It's not going to work when we play as an attacking unit looking to break teams down. He's done great for us while we have been developing but he's not and never will be a City legend.
What a short memory !

It seems that every body hates Tevez now and they are forgetting that without him, the club will not be in the Champions League this season. :)

Anyhow, I am sure that he will score more goals this season because of the arrival of Aguero and Nasri.
Tevez City said:
Anyhow, I am sure that he will score more goals this season because of the arrival of Aguero and Nasri.

Huh? I think even the biggest Tevez fans (and you really are a self-loathing bunch) have to admit that Aguero and Nasri (and Dzeko) mean even less playing time for Tevez and less goals. 7 goals in a city shirt this season if he is lucky.
Tevez City said:
What a short memory !

It seems that every body hates Tevez now and they are forgetting that without him, the club will not be in the Champions League this season. :)

Anyhow, I am sure that he will score more goals this season because of the arrival of Aguero and Nasri.

I'm sure a lot of City fans (including myself) are grateful of his goals. He is very commited on the pitch and yes, he helped a long way towards the Champion's League. But this doesn't mean that if he does something wrong, I'm going to defend his actions. He cropped up at the wrong times to signal he wanted to leave. This has meant he has dropped to the bench and will have to wait his turn as Dzeko is on fire. The only reason people like you constantly say everyone has short memories is because you literally want to do the guy. And sorry, but he needs to redeem himself before he can even consider getting into some peoples good books.
Tevez was a bridge to better things: part of the building that our club needed to go through after the money came in. He was virtually our only striker, for about 18 months, that we could name as a first choice on the team sheet and, IMHO, that lent itself to us being very one dimensional at times with our performances.
That wasn't his fault and he did a good job of what was asked of him, but he first spat his dummy out just as we were getting other renowned forwards and I think that was telling.

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