As ever, excellent review/summary of the latest in the 'Get City' saga, from you and others such as 'Petrusha', 'KS55', 'Bobbyowen', 'Psychedelic Casual' and so on. Grateful thanks, all.
It's particularly useful in helping the rest of us bat away complaints from tiresome friends/others who support the teams behind this seemingly never-ending attempt to undermine our club (especially the Twin Red Filths at either end of the East Lancs..) despite all the evidence, freely available in the public domain, that demonstrates City has acted correctly.
One thing - looking again just now at the conversation in this thread from yesterday onwards, while I did so the i-Thingy device I had on 'random play' here picked out Don Maclean's beautiful 'Vincent'. In one of those odd moments of 'synchronicity', it occurred to me how apposite to this campaign against City are the final two lines:
'They did not listen, they're not listening still/ Perhaps they never will?'
Sums up the partial media and those numpty fans of other clubs in one.. they never learn..