CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

So the top and bottom of it is the ONLY thing we are guilty of is not trusting UEFA... and who does?
Yep we treated the bastards with the contempt they deserved also why not when one of the CIB leaked the verdict to Rob Harris days before we knew it !
Just read Conns pile of shit in the Guardian and it’s basically questioning the impartiality of CAS, even though UEFA agreed to the appointments. It also harps on about time barred stuff in great detail, I mean if it’s time barred it’s time barred! A lot of these media wankers will have had their next career steps mapped out basically picking over the bones of City but they lost, now they are trying to salvage their shitty careers. You even get the distinct impression UEFA were strong armed into banning City even though they probably knew it would be overturned.
Don't suppose the sad bleeding heart fucler had anything to say when CAS upheld the Russia ban then
No , didn't think so
Oh and any word or apology from that worm Syed yet?
It looks like there's a mistake in para 12, where it talks about the Etihad sponsorship being £220.575m plus $1.75m over the contracted period. It mentions 2012/13, 2013/14 then 2015/16 but misses out 2014/15. Yet that period is covered by the agreements mentioned.

So that works out at £55m a year instead of nearer £75m a year.
I’ve just bookmarked the amended report on the BBC, the Dan Roan analysis at the bottom is fucking dynamite, we didn’t get off on a technicality, we didn’t withhold anything from CAS. We basically got tired of being fucked around by UEFA so kept our powder dry until CAS.

It’s an even more stunning victory than I ever imagined.

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