CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

The negative headline is still there. The release of the full report was a positive for City fans..yet they turn it into a negative. Same with any story about us. Boycott the cnuts. We dont need them.
Sums up the BBC when they fail to mention Dippers and Spurs opposing Newcastles takeover in that report.
The BBC haven’t markedly changed in the last 50 plus years in my memory. They had David Coleman creaming himself with every United goal on Match of the Day.

One incident stuck in my mind. During the match (I can’t recall the opposition) United were under severe pressure with all bar the visitors’ goalkeeper in the United half when it was hoofed upfield. Best was lurking in the centre circle as the opposing centre half made a mess of it leaving Best clear to run the ball upfield and around the goalkeeper into an empty net.

Well taken certainly, but goal of the Century, never. It was for Coleman, however, who uttered “That was a goal that only Georgie Best could score!”.

Tevez, Dzeko, Aguero, Bellamy, Stirling, Sané, etc would score from that position nine times out of ten.

That was the same BBC who declined to televise City winning the second ranked European Trophy, screening a Leeds-Chelsea bloodbath replay instead (along with ITV).
Did we ever get to the bottom of what "majority" actually meant in the CAS report ?

Normally, majority would indicate there was a minority, but in these events, it seems a 'majority' can quite easily be used if the two judges concerned agreed, and there was no need for the third (presiding judge) to make a decision ? in effect, we can have a majority, without having a minority ?
And there you have it in a nutshell "we focused on the criticism of Manchester City"

Why not focus the the positive that City won hands down. Why didnt the BBC look into why City didnt thinking was not safe to go through UEFA an organisation that was leaking like a sieve, an organisation that had leaked the 2 yr ban before the hearing. Yes City did get a 9 million euro fine. But that's not the main story. The main story is that UEFA planel isnt fit for purpose yet non of your reporters have looked into the leaks from UEFA !. It was a cheap shot to show City again in a negative light again by the 'independent' ( lolol ) BBC
This is exactly what a good journalist would focus on in their analysis section of the report. However, Dan Roan wrote it. Tellingly the headline is still about failure to comply..
I haven't been able to post my views since publication of the report. I'll also face difficulties in posting for some time to come (this is a one-off contribution and I won't be able to respond to replies to it).

But the conclusion to that article, especially the closing paragraphs, is the ultimate takeaway from CAS. This is all the more valuable as it comes from a legal professional who's (presumably) neutral in terms of fan allegiance.

I also note that CAS has been called not fit for purpose by some of our detractors in recent days. Not so. What's shown itself up as most unfit for purpose in this saga is the British football media.

City were charged with inflating revenue under sponsorship contracts whose fair value wasn't contested by UEFA, under which the relevant services had been provided, and which were underwritten by organs of the Abu Dhabi Emirati government.

All of this was in the public domain. And it showed, as many of us on here repeated ad nauseam, that MCFC would highly likely prevail before CAS unless UEFA possessed evidence hitherto unknown to us. Of course, they ultimately didn't.

Yet the British football media unanimously gloried in the prospect of our demise from the publication of Der Spiegel's revelations onwards. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall one media outlet (and I mean literally not a single fucking one) ever at any stage suggesting that City may prevail.

It was all in the emails, they gloated. Well, chaps, take a look at what the CAS says about that. Should hardly have required the Brain of fucking Britain to work it out, should it.

Now, your level of performance has been truly execrable on an objective level from any body of professionals with pretensions to even bare adequacy as a group. One issue is that we find football writers trying to grapple with complex issues of finance and law when they're, perfectly understandably, lamentably ill-equipped to do so - even those who claim expertise in the relevant areas. But there's a deluge of cases where the ineptitude is bound in with bad faith: they're also desperate for us to fail.

Well, it isn't failure, is it? Quite the contrary. On the main point, the one that matters, the one on which UEFA's AC tried to hang an extended ban, it was rather emphatic: as has been said elsewhere, count the usage of terms such as 'no evidence' in the report. Anyway, try to convert the result into football terms and you're probably looking at something like 4-0.

By all means indulge your incompetence and bias by trawling through the rest of the report, the flim-flam, for out-of-context phrases you can use to discredit City for the delectation of your clickbait sheep. Go big on the barely relevant obstruction point if you want to. We're happy to have obstructed an investigation mired in illegally obtained materials, prejudicial conduct, and vicious and self-interested third-party lobbying, all egged on by vacuous press cheerleading.

The thing is, you've shown us what you are now, haven't you? We knew all along, of course, but you used to try and gaslight us. You reported on us fairly and we were too thin-skinned to see it, you used to say. That won't wash any longer, will it? Act as PR shills for our enemies in the way you seem to want to. Fine. Don't expect a reaction from us other than utterly fucking despising you for it, though.

A final mention for David Conn, the self-appointed conscience of football. I long regarded his professional success as an example of Emperor's new clothes syndrome as others queued up to praise him extravagantly. I did, however, respect him for what seemed to be an ethical approach and genuine integrity.

What a sad state of affairs, then, to see his tendentious output over the last few months. It truly rivals the worst imaginable from any bigoted, comically biased, bottom-feeding hack scum that's out there. Still, chin up, David. You can always trot off back to FC United and help your mate Walsh be the exemplar of soul in modern football. Oh.

OK, maybe The Guardian will let you write a bit for the front end of the paper. Oh, no, another no-go. You did those stories on Orgreave a while back and they were fucking dreadful so you were sent back to the toy section. Looks as though you've found your level, then, doesn't it. As have City, however much you and your journo mates wish it were otherwise.
Enjoyed that. Don’t think I’ve seen so much resentment and anger in your posts before!
Foolishly turned radio station over to Talksport this morning. Discussion on Sheffield Wednesday punishment saying it's not really a punishment for the owner. Cascarino says there's loads of loopholes whereby an owner can disguise money into the club and then you get wages pushed up and the trouble clubs are in. There's sponsorship. He gave the example of Etihad. Doh. They still haven't got the headline from CAS. NOT disguised equity investment! And we haven't pushed up wages and and investment is not why championship clubs are in trouble. That would be debt and dodgy gambling.
My opinion is that neither Der Spiegel or EIC have full axess to the stolen files, somebody feeds them, its curated, when UEFA asked Der Spiegel to publish more evidence DS told UEFA to contact Pintos lawyer because he had the files.
I doubt that's true, I suspect that DS didn't pass on the emails to UEFA as that may have crossed a legal line. (I am guessing here)

In fact the following came from the New Yorker:-

The first hard drives that Pinto gave to Buschmann contained around eighteen million files. Der Spiegel bought new servers and created a secure network to handle the data. “We went shopping,” Naber said. The magazine’s I.T. team converted PDFs and e-mails into searchable text, while the reporters worked on Intella, specialized software used by prosecutors in fraud cases, to make connections within the documents. When I visited, the Intella home screen showed some sixteen million e-mails, eighty-five thousand presentations, six hundred and eighty thousand spreadsheets, and a hundred and five thousand contacts in the Football Leaks database. I typed in the name Jordan Pickford, the current goalkeeper for the English national team. There were twenty-four hundred and twenty-four results. Mesut Özil, an ethereal German playmaker for Arsenal, the team that I support, generated eighty-six hundred and twenty-nine.

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