Yes. The press, I wonder what team they support, are doing their best to talk up the way he left and the turmoil of us. Let’s be clear, not a single **** I know gives a fuck. All we are focused upon is keeping our neck on their throat. Rogers will do that, so don’t listen to the furore about a furore, it’s they who are in a furore. They are stuck with a Bellend manager, scrambling about for the get one for free get two extra free too. I read Big Eck today in the Ranger saying Beale should take advantage of the Celtic Turmoil. I actually laughed like a donkey.,
Newsflash. They are in turmoil. They have to replace about 20 players. They won fuck all, apart from the we beat Celtic cup. They have about as much money as any sofa could provide and we have a budget, a better squad, getting another good manager and he will bring in new players.
There may indeed be turmoil, but it ain’t at fucking us. Turmoil, Jesus H , they are in teddy bear dreamland, let’s face it, they barely leave there. Where Rangers revolutions are a daily occurrence and the Real Rangers are ready to pounce. Just wait, there they are, oh wait, another false dawn.
Fucking bring it on for another Treble.