Celtic v City post match

Oh fuck off.

I am not Celtic bashing i'm telling the truth. If there was such a thing as me having a '2nd club' in Scotland, it would be Celtic. So I saw them against the paperboy's 11 last week & I know exactly what their level is.

They played very well on the night, but not well enough that we shouldn't have beaten them. I would be proud if I wa a Celtic fan, they held a vastly superior team to a draw. We have been in that situation ourselves many times. But we don't then turn it into bullshit.

Suddely we're 'scared' & they are a top 4 side in the Prem, when in reality, Bournemouth would beat them 9 times out of 10 if they payed here & any decent players they had, would leave. That's how it ACTUALLY works here, it takes fucking years to consolidate, as everyone knows.

I hate bullshit, & we are being fed it by the bucketload.
You can say 'fuck' all you like. It's something anybody can type, it gives me no impression of you and means cock-all to those with any sense.
Sleep on it. You've got some kind of agenda and frankly it's becoming boring as 'fuck' (see, you've got me doing it now). Get over that game and start supporting the team you're supposedly meant to follow.
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Sleep on it. You've got some kind of agenda and frankly it's becoming boring as fuck. Get over that game and start supporting the team you're supposedly meant to follow.

I had already gone, but I came back AGAIN to answer you, defending your beloved team, against what ? Me saying they aren't as good as City. Well they're not.

You seem to think I'm not allowed to say that i think City are a much better team than Celtic, on a City forum.

So you jump in to defend another club, & then accuse me of not supporting my team ?

I wasn't even talking to you though, i was agreeing with someone else who also saw through the bullshit & posted the stats to prove it & you felt had to fight their corner by insulting me, & yet you are a City fan ?

I take it you watched it with your fucking hooped shirt on & 'support both' so feel all warm inside. Well I wanted City to win & am disappointed we fucked up. I still enjoyed the game, but we should beat Celtic imo, well as they played.

I like Celtic & I thought they did well. But they are not a Premier League team level & an occasional cup performance isn't going to change that.

Sorry if that hurts, but it's true.
I had already gone, but I came back AGAIN to answer you, defending your beloved team, against what ? Me saying they aren't as good as City. Well they're not.

You seem to think I'm not allowed to say that i think City are a much better team than Celtic, on a City forum.

So you jump in to defend another club, & then accuse me of not supporting my team ?

I wasn't even talking to you though, i was agreeing with someone else who also saw through the bullshit & posted the stats to prove it & you felt had to fight their corner by insulting me, & yet you are a City fan ?

I take it you watched it with your fucking hooped shirt on & 'support both' so feel all warm inside. Well I wanted City to win & am disappointed we fucked up. I still enjoyed the game, but we should beat Celtic imo, well as they played.

I like Celtic & I thought they did well. But they are not a Premier League team level & an occasional cup performance isn't going to change that.

Sorry if that hurts, but it's true.

I thought Celtic deserved a point, Look at some of the victories Celtic have had against superior opposition at home the fact of matter is there no mugs at Celtic Park a point there for me is a good point if we fail to beat them at home then this point is damaging but at the minute I think it's a good result. .
I thought Celtic deserved a point, Look at some of the victories Celtic have had against superior opposition at home the fact of matter is there no mugs at Celtic Park a point there for me is a good point if we fail to beat them at home then this point is damaging but at the minute I think it's a good result. .

I don't buy into the 'history' thing regarding results.

They are not a great side & imo City should not be conceding 3 goals to them. Also, i would much less like to play Lennon's team than this one. They were a much tougher nut to crack imo.
I had already gone, but I came back AGAIN to answer you, defending your beloved team, against what ? Me saying they aren't as good as City. Well they're not.

You seem to think I'm not allowed to say that i think City are a much better team than Celtic, on a City forum.

So you jump in to defend another club, & then accuse me of not supporting my team ?

I wasn't even talking to you though, i was agreeing with someone else who also saw through the bullshit & posted the stats to prove it & you felt had to fight their corner by insulting me, & yet you are a City fan ?

I take it you watched it with your fucking hooped shirt on & 'support both' so feel all warm inside. Well I wanted City to win & am disappointed we fucked up. I still enjoyed the game, but we should beat Celtic imo, well as they played.

I like Celtic & I thought they did well. But they are not a Premier League team level & an occasional cup performance isn't going to change that.

Sorry if that hurts, but it's true.

With the money we would receive from joining the EPL we would tear Bournemouth a new one.
Before your investment you were nowhere.

There is a saying in Glasgow

Because you get a new arse don't forget the old one.

Stats in a game mean absolutely 'fuck' all. The score is the only thing. All the rest is just bollocks.

If you weren't a better team than us then something is wrong.

We stopped you running all over us. We put you on your arse three times that no one as yet down there has achieved.

That deserves respect. All the goals had luck, all of them.

It was a great game played in a great spirit. The atmosphere and your fans having a good time up here made it even better.
Good luck against the Slurs.
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With the money we would receive from joining the EPL we would tear Bournemouth a new one.
Before your investment you were nowhere.

There is a saying in Glasgow

Because you get a new arse don't forget the old one.

Stats in a game mean absolutely 'fuck' all. The score is the only thing. All the rest is just bollocks.

If you weren't a better team than us then something is wrong.

We stopped you running all over us. We put you on your arse three times that no one as yet down there has achieved.

That deserves respect. All the goals had luck, all of them.

It was a great game played in a great spirit. The atmosphere and your fans having a good time up here made it even better.
Good luck against the Slurs.

Stats show that City did ok regarding possession etc & that the idea we were smoehow 'stopped' is a bit of a fantasy.

I have pretty much said all the stuff you have saidt & agree the Celtic performance deserves respect. And the pressing was very good. And I never mentioned 'luck' at all. But I mentioned our poor defending, & imo letting in goals we wouldn't normally concede. I think that was poor. I don't think those situations should have been difficult to stop. No mention of luck.

Saying that the investment you would get is automatically enough to turn you into a Prem team though, well that's where the bollocks comes in imo. All the clubs have investment, already, & some have had it for the past 20 years with the closed shop of the Champions League. You would need new owners for a start. Therefore, it would no longer be the current club, it would be a richer one. That is a different matter. But if your current team played Bournemouth regularly, they would beat you regularly.

If Celtic could spend the same as City, yes of course they could compete, but you see, you are not allowed to. Because rules have been brought in, to stop it, because Utd, Liverpool etc want to remain at the top, so have fixed it. If you have money, you can't spend it. So you have the same budget as Bounemouth but with less experience. In time, you could possibly grow into the league, then become successful one day.

But by saying you would automatically turn up & tear Bournemouth a new one, you are showing them & others the same lack of respect you seek for Celtic.

And it's that nonsense which is doing my head in, not Celtic's performance on the night, which their fans can be rightly proud of.

It was indeed a great game played in the right way & great for football.
Stats show that City did ok regarding possession etc & that the idea we were smoehow 'stopped' is a bit of a fantasy.

I have pretty much said all the stuff you have saidt & agree the Celtic performance deserves respect. And the pressing was very good. And I never mentioned 'luck' at all. But I mentioned our poor defending, & imo letting in goals we wouldn't normally concede. I think that was poor. I don't think those situations should have been difficult to stop. No mention of luck.

Saying that the investment you would get is automatically enough to turn you into a Prem team though, well that's where the bollocks comes in imo. All the clubs have investment, already, & some have had it for the past 20 years with the closed shop of the Champions League. You would need new owners for a start. Therefore, it would no longer be the current club, it would be a richer one. That is a different matter. But if your current team played Bournemouth regularly, they would beat you regularly.

If Celtic could spend the same as City, yes of course they could compete, but you see, you are not allowed to. Because rules have been brought in, to stop it, because Utd, Liverpool etc want to remain at the top, so have fixed it. If you have money, you can't spend it. So you have the same budget as Bounemouth but with less experience. In time, you could possibly grow into the league, then become successful one day.

But by saying you would automatically turn up & tear Bournemouth a new one, you are showing them & others the same lack of respect you seek for Celtic.

And it's that nonsense which is doing my head in, not Celtic's performance on the night, which their fans can be rightly proud of.

It was indeed a great game played in the right way & great for football.

Celtics owner is irish billionaire dermot desmond.im sure he would invest 100m in the playing squad right away if celtic were to somehow gain entry to the epl.
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Stats show that City did ok regarding possession etc & that the idea we were smoehow 'stopped' is a bit of a fantasy.

I have pretty much said all the stuff you have saidt & agree the Celtic performance deserves respect. And the pressing was very good. And I never mentioned 'luck' at all. But I mentioned our poor defending, & imo letting in goals we wouldn't normally concede. I think that was poor. I don't think those situations should have been difficult to stop. No mention of luck.

Saying that the investment you would get is automatically enough to turn you into a Prem team though, well that's where the bollocks comes in imo. All the clubs have investment, already, & some have had it for the past 20 years with the closed shop of the Champions League. You would need new owners for a start. Therefore, it would no longer be the current club, it would be a richer one. That is a different matter. But if your current team played Bournemouth regularly, they would beat you regularly.

If Celtic could spend the same as City, yes of course they could compete, but you see, you are not allowed to. Because rules have been brought in, to stop it, because Utd, Liverpool etc want to remain at the top, so have fixed it. If you have money, you can't spend it. So you have the same budget as Bounemouth but with less experience. In time, you could possibly grow into the league, then become successful one day.

But by saying you would automatically turn up & tear Bournemouth a new one, you are showing them & others the same lack of respect you seek for Celtic.

And it's that nonsense which is doing my head in, not Celtic's performance on the night, which their fans can be rightly proud of.

It was indeed a great game played in the right way & great for football.
The limit on wage increases would also stymie them as I'm guessing Bournemouth already have a higher wage bill and Celtic couldn't attract top players without paying top dollar.
Celtics owner is irish billionaire dermot desmond.im sure he would invest 100m in the playing squad right away if celtic were to somehow gain entry to the epl.

You will never gain entry into the Epl as Manchester Utd, Liverpool, Arsenal etc don't want you, nor should the majority of your supporters want to join it, due to the fact it starts with an 'E' rather than an 'S'.

But for one, if your owner was willing to spend 5 to 10% of his total worth on buying players for Celtic (does he have that in spare cash & what happens in the next transfer window, does he spend another 10%?) as Colin Lee points out, there is a limit on how much your wage bill can increase. So even if you could spend the money, you are not allowed to pay the wages.

Then, there is the small matter of Financial 'Fair' Play. This means that if Celtic earn let's say 200 miliion on gate money plus tv plus commercial deals etc, the only money you can spend is the profit left when you have paid all your expenses. Your owner can invest money in the stadium but he is not allowed to spend money on players & wages. That has to come from earnings.

This corrupt legislation was brought in by pressure from clubs like Manchester Utd, AC Milan etc specifically to try & stop City but also to stop clubs like yours, from doing what City have done.

Then Utd go & spend 100 mil on a player but you can't. Nor can you pay his wages.

So if Sheikh Mansour's brother took over Everton tomorrow, he can't spend money on their team.

They were too late to stop City & we make so much money now, we can spend plenty. But they will not let anyone else do what we did. They don't want competition.

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