Champions League draw continued (merged)

Armaan said:
cantona01 said:
KeysaButton said:
Neuer vs. Hart - Neuer wins
Rafinha vs. Richards - Draw
Kampany vs. Badstuber - Kompany wins
Lescott vs. Boateng - Boateng wins
Kolarov vs. Lahm - Lahm wins
Yaya Toure vs Schweinsteiger - Schweinsteiger wins
Barry vs Gustavo - Gustavo wins
Silva vs Ribery - Ribery wins
Aguero vs Müller - Augero wins
Nasri vs Robben - Robben wins
Dzeko vs Gomez - Gomez wins

so Bayern win the direct comparison 9 : 3

Wow, you really dont have a clue!!
This would be how id compare them man to man.....

Neur vs Hart - Draw
Rafinha vs Richards - Richards
Kompany vs Badstuber - Kompany
Lescott vs Boateng - Draw maybe, Boateng looked ok at CB imo
Lahm vs Kolarov/Clichy - Lahm
De jong/Barry vs Gustavo - De jong/Barry
Yaya vs the vastly over rated schweinsteiger - Yaya
Silva vs Robben - Draw, at a push id pick Silva because he can truly run games
Muller vs Aguero - Aguero
Ribery vs Nasri - Nasri, Robben most over rated player of all time
Dzeko vs Gomez - Dzeko

Thats how i judged it without being bias.

Do you really think football is that simple?

That every game is decided on man-for-man ability as opposed to form, confidence, moral, competition experience, team togetherness, manager influence, the run of the game and sheer luck?
vitty said:
Armaan said:
cantona01 said:
Wow, you really dont have a clue!!
This would be how id compare them man to man.....

Neur vs Hart - Draw
Rafinha vs Richards - Richards
Kompany vs Badstuber - Kompany
Lescott vs Boateng - Draw maybe, Boateng looked ok at CB imo
Lahm vs Kolarov/Clichy - Lahm
De jong/Barry vs Gustavo - De jong/Barry
Yaya vs the vastly over rated schweinsteiger - Yaya
Silva vs Robben - Draw, at a push id pick Silva because he can truly run games
Muller vs Aguero - Aguero
Ribery vs Nasri - Nasri, Robben most over rated player of all time
Dzeko vs Gomez - Dzeko

Thats how i judged it without being bias.

Do you really think football is that simple?

That every game is decided on man-for-man ability as opposed to form, confidence, moral, competition experience, team togetherness, manager influence, the run of the game and sheer luck?
Nope never said that, the Bayern fan was just listing who he thought was better in terms of individual quality matched up against a similar type of player from the other team so i thought id have a go. Bayern are a great side, no doubt about that but the bluemoom is rising in europe!
OK folks. The link to a picture of the spreadsheet is below

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

If you want it in Excel , PM me.

Just by way of explanation I have taken the teams in each group and shown their rank and points on the current Euro Club Index
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

I have added and shown below the points table a total and an averge for the group.

To the side I have shown the average of the top two teams' points and the average of the bottom two teams' points. I have then shown the difference between those figures. I felt this gave some guide as to the prospects of the top two going through - big gap, better chance.

Well, I'm going to leave the conclusions up to you all. For me , yesterday made me realise that this is the most exciting season.

Well I do have some conclusions. Want to dust off my passport. I've been to Naples twice (a bit rough in parts but never felt threatened) and think the atmosphere there will be fantastic. Villareal may be a bit more sanitized.

My other conclusion is that I may need a bigger drive in my sky box !!!<br /><br />-- Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:00 pm --<br /><br />
samharris said:
shadygiz said:
Bluephoria said:
2 options.

1) open up spread sheet and then print screen and then post into as jpg file in paint and then upload to imageshack or photobucket or similar and post link on here


2) download and install up spread sheet and then file/print....where you select the printer in the drop down box - select cutepdf...make sure entire spreadsheet/workbook option is ticked in print menu and then click will open up a pop up save dialog the pdf file and then once again using imageshack or photobucket to upload your link on here

e=mc squared.

Eureka !! Big thanks to Shady for the tips (could not upload the .pdf) and for the feed links.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... mpions_Lea</a>
Why do you compare Aguero to Müller? Aguero is a forward whereas Müller is an offense midfielder.

If you compare the second half of last season you might see something else...

Müller did 8 goals and 8 assists whereas Aguero did 14 goals and one assists.

16 scorers for Müller - only 15 for Aguero...

We should not start to talk about defensive work - Müller is everywhere in the field and was the one with the most kilometres and the most sprints in the last two games.

Compare Aguero to Gomez... ;)

I really do not think anyone of the Bayern officials would want to trade Müller or Gomez for Aguero... (even if he is a really good player)

Or compare Müller to Özil (or any midfielder in your team) - two different players but they play the same positions in there teams even if Özil ist technically brilliant whereas Müller is more the odd one ;)

Its 25 scorers both for all of the season - 6 goals/19 assists for Mesut, 12 goals/13 assists for Müller

Even after world cup 2010 a lot people still underestimate him. He is not a one day wonder - after a slow start into his second professional year (nothing special after this world cup) he confirmed it last year and still is improving - he just started his third professional year as he finished his A-Levels in grammar school first.

Gomez had problems his first year as he did not fit into Van Gaal's system. Last year he showed his value (even against the adversary) - only Rummenige in 1981 shot more goals in one season...

Even if Bayern only finished third last season they were the best team in the second part of the season in the Bundesliga and scored 50 goals then. They had problems with their defense all season - but I doubt that will be a problem this year.

Manchester City can beat Bayern - you never know how a match runs. They even can win the group. You never know how a series runs. Your team and your trainer still have to prove their value - if you just look at the money tag that is not the question - but money just is helpful and does not guarantee success.

A lot of the Bayern players do not have price tags as they are not tradeable.
Ribery didnt liked it.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... a-mort_fun</a>
balkanno said:
Ribery didnt liked it.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... a-mort_fun</a>
Superb lol.
Maldeika said:
Why do you compare Aguero to Müller? Aguero is a forward whereas Müller is an offense midfielder.

If you compare the second half of last season you might see something else...

Müller did 8 goals and 8 assists whereas Aguero did 14 goals and one assists.

16 scorers for Müller - only 15 for Aguero...

We should not start to talk about defensive work - Müller is everywhere in the field and was the one with the most kilometres and the most sprints in the last two games.

Compare Aguero to Gomez... ;)

I really do not think anyone of the Bayern officials would want to trade Müller or Gomez for Aguero... (even if he is a really good player)

Or compare Müller to Özil (or any midfielder in your team) - two different players but they play the same positions in there teams even if Özil ist technically brilliant whereas Müller is more the odd one ;)

Its 25 scorers both for all of the season - 6 goals/19 assists for Mesut, 12 goals/13 assists for Müller

Even after world cup 2010 a lot people still underestimate him. He is not a one day wonder - after a slow start into his second professional year (nothing special after this world cup) he confirmed it last year and still is improving - he just started his third professional year as he finished his A-Levels in grammar school first.

Gomez had problems his first year as he did not fit into Van Gaal's system. Last year he showed his value (even against the adversary) - only Rummenige in 1981 shot more goals in one season...

Even if Bayern only finished third last season they were the best team in the second part of the season in the Bundesliga and scored 50 goals then. They had problems with their defense all season - but I doubt that will be a problem this year.

Manchester City can beat Bayern - you never know how a match runs. They even can win the group. You never know how a series runs. Your team and your trainer still have to prove their value - if you just look at the money tag that is not the question - but money just is helpful and does not guarantee success.

A lot of the Bayern players do not have price tags as they are not tradeable.

as I proved they have price tags as you bought many of them, nearly all of your great late 90s/00's team was bought.

I like Muller and oddly I quite like Bayern, but what I liked about last year's Europa League is everyone was friendly and anyone who came on the forum was friendly.

You lot give it 10 seconds and it's "blah blah blah we're bayern" like you own the place.

we'll see you on the pitch.

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