Champions League Final 3rd June 2017

The reason why real are so succesful is they don't bother with philosophy or a playing style rather they have do only what is required to win.
They don't mess around and waste time with unnecessary things.

Yesterdays display was amazing and in my opinion Ronaldo is now the GOAT.
I doubt anyone has ever said 'youth is best'. The mixture is best. Real.have some kids coming tbrough who have a chance of making it there. If they don't they will probably go for decent money.

unless he is the new ronaldo then your not got a chance at real in the youth setup
they are a buying club and will always be in the market for the best and will pay what ever to get there man but again nobody blinks a eye lid

they are in debt to about £250million but
(Madrid has more debt than just $250m. But non of their net debt falls into FIFA fair-play regulations.) hahhahhahahahahahahha
unless he is the new ronaldo then your not got a chance at real in the youth setup
they are a buying club and will always be in the market for the best and will pay what ever to get there man but again nobody blinks a eye lid

they are in debt to about £250million but
(Madrid has more debt than just $250m. But non of their net debt falls into FIFA fair-play regulations.) hahhahhahahahahahahha

Same with Utd. Ffp wasn't designed for them.
real madrid's stunning midfield is so huge in what they do. Modric and Kroos are the best two midfielders in the world imo

Yep, I think if you swapped them with Khedira and Pjanic, Juve win. Modric is criminally under rated. Real Madrid have won the champions league every time Modric has maintained fitness so 3 out of 4 years. There's an odd media bias towards Cristiano Ronaldo that I find astounding. If we go back to Pep's Barca, you had Messi who is MESSI but Xavi, Iniesta and even Pique were lauded with constant praise and even Pep himself was too. With this Madrid team? Always about Ronaldo. I'd say Ramos gets second most praise then maybe Kroos but it is so little in the overall picture.
Can't disagree with any of that. My only issue is that often his teammates put in far better performances and are almost totally ignored by our pundits who usually are a group of his former teammates.

Pisses me off that. Modric is their best player and who ever talks about him? Ronaldo 3 champions leagues in 8 years at Madrid. Modric 3 in 4 years and Kroos 2 in 2.
You can call it opinion, you can call it subjective but I'm calling it utter shite if you claim Ronaldo is better than Messi. No singular stat supports that, Nada, unless you include the who can jump higher stat. Messi is being under appreciated, he is quite simply the greatest player of all time. What other forward could drop into midfield and dictate the pace of the game, make pinpoint cross field passes, pin point throughballs, rack up the most assists and still score 50+ in a season ( 91 in one season ) This dude is insane. Ronaldo scores goals, a prolific goal scorer. Johan Cruyff said it best.

"I've always liked technical players because I've been a bit like that. Cristiano is a great player, but he's just a goalscorer. Cristiano will never be the player who can create or take care team that his team plays well. He is just a finisher."

"Messi is much more a team player than Cristiano is. He scores but also produces many assists. For me as a player, Messi is better. There is a big difference in being just a great goalscorer and being the best player. Messi deserves Ballon d'Or, no discussion."

"Every person that understands football knows this. It's absolutely ridiculous to me that some people actually think Messi isn't the best."

"This isn't about Cristiano at all. He's a fantastic player, one of the best goalscorers ever. This is about how ridiculously good Messi is."
Pisses me off that. Modric is their best player and who ever talks about him? Ronaldo 3 champions leagues in 8 years at Madrid. Modric 3 in 4 years and Kroos 2 in 2.

So many people told me he was overated and shite on this forum when he played for Spurs. He ran the show in midfield for us, Madrid got a steal at 32m!
So many people told me he was overated and shite on this forum when he played for Spurs. He ran the show in midfield for us, Madrid got a steal at 32m!

Madness man! Go look through that Spurs side he played in ( you'll already be aware ), full of average players but they had Bale and Modric who carried that team together. 100% a steal mate, such an intelligent player. Imagine Modric in your side today!

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