Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

It will be exactly as I said. I suspect you and your demographic may be in the 18-30 or older guys with money and zero commitments. There will be very few family groups as it's a small mortgage for a family of 4 and it's exam/term time. Older SC members, who've always had it all provided will suddenly think WTF. In fact the whole process to apply is already confusing many. Add to that the price, a cost of living crisis, and the distance involved and the take up in those groups I've highlighted will be low. What you have to remember is you, Bluemoon and your City supporting friends are a rather unrepresentative microcosm and I don't deny most of that group will go, but the reality is that many will simply not be able to overcome the financial or logistical challenges.
On the flip side, I am an 'older guy', with commitments and debts. I am going, sons and brothers are going and most friends are going.
Think I have got away with this!
GLW: A thousand pound!
Me: Well yes but, I didn’t have to pay for Porto last time.
GLW: True.

I never said another word and now she’s gone out shopping and I will watch some shite Julia Roberts/ George Clooney flick later with her.

Fuck mate, if that’s the one where they are divorced and meet up in Bali for their kids wedding …. DON’T DO IT … 2+ hours of my life I lost watching that with the missus. If she agrees to pay for your ticket, then OK
100% this will sell out. Probably as we get down to seasoncard holders in the low thousands of points. Make no mistake, demand will be high, even with all the messing about. It’s the Champions League final. No COVID issues / tests this time. All and sundry will want to be all over it.
Thank fcuk, a positive post.

We outnumbered Chelsea I reckon 3:1 in Porto ( at least 2:1 on the night before the free flights got in) so yes not a fear that it will sell out at all.

I know people put off by pricing and now not going but for everyone in my group not going there are 2 asking for tickets.
The one guy on here who does seem to know a bit about it, was suggesting City will have been charged an extortionate amount for the trips.

I’m not in the know, but I know enough about the current market for planes/crew/landing fees etc. and it’s crazy for anyone needing ‘extra’ now. I suspect the grand price is what it’s costing the club, no profit and the club will have to provide all the arrangement resource and ground transfers, so effectively the club will lose(subsidize) money on travel arrangements.

And there’s no way for the club to shop around, firstly due to time and secondly due to availability of equipment(planes & crew).
It will be exactly as I said. I suspect you and your demographic may be in the 18-30 or older guys with money and zero commitments. There will be very few family groups as it's a small mortgage for a family of 4 and it's exam/term time. Older SC members, who've always had it all provided will suddenly think WTF. In fact the whole process to apply is already confusing many. Add to that the price, a cost of living crisis, and the distance involved and the take up in those groups I've highlighted will be low. What you have to remember is you, Bluemoon and your City supporting friends are a rather unrepresentative microcosm and I don't deny most of that group will go, but the reality is that many will simply not be able to overcome the financial or logistical challenges.
Absolutely right.
In real terms, SC holding BM members make up a very small proportion of the overall SC support.
Throwing a grand or so around to go to one match is the stuff of dreams for most people, so if the posters on here can afford to do it, good for them, and Ihope they all get tickets.
As far as I'm concerned, I'd be struggling to justify spending £150+ just to buy a ticket, regardless of where the match was played. There's plenty of SC holders in the same position.
Telly will do for me.
Oooohhhh … good point, let’s hope economic issues are hitting the Italians HARD (said with a bit of tongue in cheek) and they return a couple of thousand
That was a mess up by Chelsea. They thought they could only sell tickets to people who also went with the club travel. People who had softened their own travel out couldn’t buy. So they returned the 800.
I know as I bought one of the returned ones on Stubhub and was in with a load of Chelsea fans. No problem though, to be fair to them.

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