Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

Good Lord. I’ve seen bad takes on here down the years but this trumps all.
I think I agree with Jack’s point of view.
Everyone should be given the opportunity to attend a game where the opportunity arises.
I didn’t see much cry for the Southampton away tickets last month. The OSC took up a lot of our allocation and the fans spent time and money to go support the team.
Eddie Eddie Large...Eddie Eddie Large.
So laying out a large sum of your hard earned money ( seasoncard) and committing more of your hard earned money( cup scheme direct debit) should favour no reward?
My fuckin arse!
If you’re on the cup scheme, you get priority regardless of the OSC requests.
I’m with you. Our day will come when we will rise up against the oppression of the Supporters Clubs and tickets will once again be distributed fairly without anyone feeling hard done by.
I was on about the stupid fucking Irish comment. What's the point of raising that?

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