Champions League Final | Tickets - City Official Package + UEFA Tickets | 2022 Final (pg 1033)

Is 72 hours before flight or arrival?
asking coz I have my second COVID jab on Monday and think better to have test done before that jab but the latest test I can book on the Monday is exactly 72 hours before we land. help!!!!
or do I cancel the jab And book the test for Tuesday?
This may have been mentioned earlier but my issue is with the posting of tickets to independent travellers, if I am lucky I can buy my ticket tomorrow afternoon, but I’m flying out on Sunday, missed out on the ballot for Everton, so no point in hanging around in Blighty when I could be sunning myself in the algarve.

I stupidly assumed that after queuing for ages in Paris and Madrid collection on site would be no issue.. but hey ho..

So if I can’t berate the ticket office into collection at the ground, what are the options

My son will probably take up the Sheik’s kind offer, he could bring my ticket over, but could he escape the fan zone bubble , could he slip the ticket through the railings, could he bravely make a bid for freedom, or should we arrange a brush past at arrivals.

Or should I appeal to a brave and trusted bluemooner travelling later in the week to smuggle the ticket to Porto, whereupon an exchange could take place involving pregos and Bock....
When I booked this morning it said print at home but email confirmation doesn’t mention print at home or post!!
If I’m logged in before my window opens at 3 will it automatically allow me to select buy now or do I need to log out and back in at 15:00?

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