Champions League Final | Useful Information

cheers - we are due to get in to SAW about 4 - so they should still be running then, as far as you know?
The website is saying IST isn’t included in the free metro service but nothing about SAW. It does say avoid taxis on matchday so I’d suggest the metro as your best option, straight to the fan park next to the stadium is your best bet arriving at 4, I’m only the messenger here, others may know better.
When you install the airalo app, you get an option in your settings (iPhone) to select an eSim. You then choose a 'line' for the phone to use which means it routes via the eSim instead of your physical sim. It's very clever and is thoroughly explained on the app itself. I appreciate some may prefer physical sims but this saves any faffing around with changing sims and risk off loss etc. It may be that your provider can offer cheaper bolt ons that work better for you too of course. EE don't seem to offer much for Turkey hence why the eSim is good for me.
I'm on 3 and liaising with their help center is like talking double dutch.I have a Samsung 34A which is not compatible for ESim snd and seems 3 network will be mega expensive .Is it better to buy a local sim from Turkcell ,I'm here 5 days, will this allow calls/texts/WhatsApp on the same number?
Thanks in advance for any advice and to all those who have contributed so far.

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