Champions League Final | Where are you watching?

Just wondering if anybody has any idea about this being a possibility?

With 10,000 going inside the ground for the Everton game, surely they could screen the final? Maybe even screen it in city square also?
Will this happen? Inside the ground? City square? Both? I need a plan but this would be the best outcome considering I can't go to porto
Both games in a pub in Newcastle for me and my fellow blue....
BT normally stick the final on their YouTube channel free of charge

Honestly the YouTube stream they run every year is a juddery buffering mess. They show it at up to 2160p 30fps but it will almost certainly drop to 720p and below by the time the match starts.
I've been slow off the blocks in booking somewhere in town. All obvious places are booked up. Anyone got any suggestions . Pubs what will show the game but not taking bookings??
I`ll be watching last game at home. Daughter was drawn out for a ticket so she and the wife are going to leave me with pork pies, beer and peace and quiet ;)
Champs league I`ll probably be home with who knows who! Either way there will be lots of alcohol involved ;)

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