Champions League Last 16 Draw - RB Leipzig

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Would have to disagree. Liverpool are the only team I don’t want to play as there is genuine voodoo there. Real didn’t show anything last year to be scared of - more our naivety and poor finishing.
We did outplay Madrid for 179 minutes. That was just shit hard luck i think more than the other nightmares we've had to endure.
If we both go through can we play Dortmund in the QF or do UEFA have some daft rule preventing that ?
Thought they looked very dangerous in their recent victory over a weakened Real Madrid.
Not a foregone conclusion, need to be very mindful of them hitting us on the counter attack...
You can literally almost say this about every team we face. Getting hit on the break is the one glaring weakness in an otherwise amazing side! How many games would we just run away with if we handled the other teams breaking better?
Would love the scousers to knock Madrid out

As much as I hate Liverpool even winning a throw in, Real are machines in this competition. I’d fancy us to beat Liverpool over 2 legs if it came to it this season.
I'd rather face Real.....
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