Champions League Semi Finals 30th April/1st May

That vid clip shows just how far BBC Sport has sunk. I despise the dippers as much as any City fan but for National sports broadcasters to openly show such partisan behaviour is disgusting. We have reached a point where your team is reliant on who the presenters support or not for any kind of neutral reporting.
Except that they were working for BT Sport at the time, so it's nothing to do with the BBC.
Bollocks they are celebrating a fantastic goal if that had been scored against City I’d have applauded it. Apart from Owen neither of them have allegiance to either team, Lineker more so as he played for Barca, to be in the stadium and witness that is one of those moments you wish you could be there.
Linekar was loved and still revered in Barcelona. He went full fan boy when that great goal went in. It's understandable. Wio, on the other hand is happy his social media feeds will be full of piss boiling scousers.
Can you imagine if we were in a semi final and the British presenter and pundit reacted like that to a goal against a British team?

We would be full of rage and hate and rightly so. Okay it was a good goal but you don't celebrate it like that then have the temerity to sit and talk about them as though you wanted them to win. I imagine there's a petition somewhere in L postcodes to get these two removed from BT.
Well, Lineker did used to play for Barca.
The other fella however, just celebrated because it meant Liverpool were as good as out.
There will be petitions signed as we speak

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