Well it's the afternoon after the day before,I've got a black eye ,a hangover,bad guts,it was worth it though in spades.
Went to Cheers in Sydney heaving with blues and suprisingly a few QPR,I was thinking they can't fuck it up and they nearly proved me wrong but we're not the same as we used to be,(though the lad I was with had virtually thrown in the towel).
Madness in the last five minutes,and it took me ages to come down after the presentation,walked towards Circular Quay talking to my mam on her way home after the game,wishing I was back in Manchester for the first time ever,caught the bus and fell asleep,it was full when I woke up but the seat beside me was empty mainly because I was wearing so much spilt ale and had a black eye.
Today I'm 47 years old and City have given me the best present ever,fucking magic.