Changes in Football Since You Started Watching

Bog rolls thrown on the pitch, never did understand why, also air horns they were good to get the atmosphere going but a bastard to your eardrums if you were stood next to them
We used to nick the ticket rolls from the bus on the way to the game, got a better trajectory than bog rolls.
Players much fitter and more athletic now. Cannot be ale cans like they used to be.
No more "characters" like Frank Worthington.
Tackling barely exists these days. You get sent off for stuff that the likes of George Heslop did every ten minutes.
Crowd atmosphere practically dead to what it used to be. I don't remember when I last grinned at something someone shouted out. Probably because no one really does the one-liners any more. In the dearer seats it's like being in a morgue at times, except a morgue would be more fun.
  • Goalies wore the same shorts and socks as the outfield players
  • Offside was offside not the nonsnse it is now
  • Not every offence in the pen area was a pen, it could be an indirect free kick
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