Chants @ The Swamp Today

Mark - TheBlue said:
There a thread on RAWK about this ?

It's mentioned in the Hillborough forum on a thread they have planning a mosaic for next week. They also mentioned blues singing "YNWA" yesterday and Leeds fans chanting "Justice For The 96". Liverpool fans know which fans have and haven't got class.
lets see if united are now subjected to the same amount of scrutiny that we had to deal with in the run up to the 50th anniversary of munich. it would have taken one idiot, and we would have been ripped apart in the tabloids, lets see if they get the same treatment

(already know the answer)
Apparently they was aimed at luis suarez,who was playing over a hundred miles away at sunderland...
What a croc of shit,they knew what they was singing and they knew who they was singing about,fucking hypocrites from the twats at the top to the arrogant gobshites who fill the theatre of debt up,they are fucking horrible bastards!!!
There was a huge fat bloke (sounded like he had a Yorkshire accent) on row 34 who whistled and shouted things like 'Fuck 'em' 'Fuck the Scousers' through the You'll Never Walk Alone song at Stoke.

If you didn't want to clap as many did throughout the song fair enough, but there was no need for that.
I see the rags are now playing it down with quotes like 'it was only a small minority', but I didnt hear the other 60,000 booing them to drown them out did you?
As other posters have said, if Blues had said one word during the munich tribute we would have been slaughtered (rightly so) but rags, (media darlings) will not be slagged of by fergiescums arselickers. At least we know who has class.
If the club, police, prem league had any balls they would withdraw the ticket allocation next week for the rags as it is now bound to kick off.
MikeF said:
If this is true and it appears so, I am speechless

Mike, When the Guardian publish it and Sky and BBC news cover it I think it is fair to say that it happened. Then there is the fact that the rags have commented on it and the laughable manch****r u****d supporters trust have also commented (although trying to say it wasnt specifically related to Hillsborough !) I think you can safely say it happened.
These are the same scum supporters that says Liverpool are obsessed with them.
Look on any of their forums and it is littered with Liverpool topics.
Hillsborough was respected around the country yesterday and showed each and every club to be a class apart from the swamp, obsessed, not much.
Hope to fcuk the media are all over this for their game at anfield next week,scum of the earth would love nothing more than to see liverpool smash them on and off the pitch next week...

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