Chappy retires :( Merged - BBC Interview (P6)

Shaelumstash said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Shaelumstash said:
Cook and Mancini who took us from 10th to Champions in 3 seasons. Cook and Mancini who won our first trophy in 35 years, our first title in 44 years, yep those two.

But forget about that, and keep harking back to the days of drinking Mild in the City Social club with your "In the Know" mates, and how we were a "proper club" when we were in the 3rd division.

The reason Cook and Mancini were so great is because they were so ambitious and driven that they wouldn't let dullards like you who would have preferred us to stay the cosy old boys club who never achieved anything get in their way. :-)
Your assessment of DD as some misty-eyed, mawkish sentimentalist is wholly wrong. He has as good a feel for the reality of this club's history, good and bad bits alike, as any other poster. He is a realist, with a healthy dose of cynicism thrown in.

Also, he doesn't strike me as a mild drinker.

Not sure on the Mild, but he reminds of one of those old timer Main Stand types who smoke JPS, drink Mild and wear the same beige trench coat season after season. The type who alludes to knowing people in The Masons and thinks it will impress people.

The misty eyed suggestion was a reference back to one of DD's more infamous posts where he suggested the 3rd Division play off was a better day than when we won the league with the Aguero goal.

I try hard not to agree with Dismal but the 3rd division play off game was a better and more important day than the
Augerooooo goal for many reasons.
Didsbury Dave said:
Shaelumstash said:

The misty eyed suggestion was a reference back to one of DD's more infamous posts where he suggested the 3rd Division play off was a better day than when we won the league with the Aguero goal.

Son. I appreciate you've spent three years trying maniacally and unsuccessfully to score points over me.

But don't make shit up, eh?

You can't win this fight. Get the message. It's over. Finished. Like your two heroes.

Trying to patronise me by calling me Son is a lovely idea, but it's not going to work with me I'm afraid. I'm not making anything up, I'm not going to trawl through your posts from two years ago like you are so fond of doing so I'll leave you to live in denial.

You slaughtered Cook and Mancini before we won the FA Cup. You continued to slaughter them before we won the league. You got it wrong. The only people who are incapable of accepting when they are wrong are children, people who were spoilt as children, and sociopaths.

I don't know if you're any of those things, but what I do know is that you are now hiding behind the fact that they both left the club under a cloud, and are using that as some kind of badge of honour to say "you see I was right all along." You're fooling no one, least of all me.
Shaelumstash said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Shaelumstash said:

The misty eyed suggestion was a reference back to one of DD's more infamous posts where he suggested the 3rd Division play off was a better day than when we won the league with the Aguero goal.

Son. I appreciate you've spent three years trying maniacally and unsuccessfully to score points over me.

But don't make shit up, eh?

You can't win this fight. Get the message. It's over. Finished. Like your two heroes.

Trying to patronise me by calling me Son is a lovely idea, but it's not going to work with me I'm afraid. I'm not making anything up, I'm not going to trawl through your posts from two years ago like you are so fond of doing so I'll leave you to live in denial.

You slaughtered Cook and Mancini before we won the FA Cup. You continued to slaughter them before we won the league. You got it wrong. The only people who are incapable of accepting when they are wrong are children, people who were spoilt as children, and sociopaths.

I don't know if you're any of those things, but what I do know is that you are now hiding behind the fact that they both left the club under a cloud, and are using that as some kind of badge of honour to say "you see I was right all along." You're fooling no one, least of all me.

I'm sure the fact that you made that quote up and the fact that you won't trawl through my posts to back yourself up aren't connected to all.

Not at all.

I'm honestly sorry you lost your heroes, but blaming me is a comically immature response.
TGR said:
Shaelumstash said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Your assessment of DD as some misty-eyed, mawkish sentimentalist is wholly wrong. He has as good a feel for the reality of this club's history, good and bad bits alike, as any other poster. He is a realist, with a healthy dose of cynicism thrown in.

Also, he doesn't strike me as a mild drinker.

Not sure on the Mild, but he reminds of one of those old timer Main Stand types who smoke JPS, drink Mild and wear the same beige trench coat season after season. The type who alludes to knowing people in The Masons and thinks it will impress people.

The misty eyed suggestion was a reference back to one of DD's more infamous posts where he suggested the 3rd Division play off was a better day than when we won the league with the Aguero goal.

I try hard not to agree with Dismal but the 3rd division play off game was a better and more important day than the
Augerooooo goal for many reasons.

more important? quite possibly, due to the probable consequences of failure, but its a moot point as we will never know

better? no chance, having experienced both in all its full glory there is no comparison there really isn't
Damanino said:
meeesh said:
Noticed he was on the plane to the USA tour,what is he now then our Bernard Halford 2 ?

What about Nicola McCarthy? Didnt she say hello to Chappy once and this new girl got the job we saw in Scotland tour videos?:)

Yep, I did wonder too where is Nicola these days, seems like this brown girl is taking over with the little chit chats in the CityTv videos.
John.des said:
Damanino said:
meeesh said:
Noticed he was on the plane to the USA tour,what is he now then our Bernard Halford 2 ?

What about Nicola McCarthy? Didnt she say hello to Chappy once and this new girl got the job we saw in Scotland tour videos?:)

Yep, I did wonder too where is Nicola these days, seems like this brown girl is taking over with the little chit chats in the CityTv videos.

Nicola's had a baby so presume she's on maternity leave?
John.des said:
Damanino said:
meeesh said:
Noticed he was on the plane to the USA tour,what is he now then our Bernard Halford 2 ?

What about Nicola McCarthy? Didnt she say hello to Chappy once and this new girl got the job we saw in Scotland tour videos?:)

Yep, I did wonder too where is Nicola these days, seems like this brown girl is taking over with the little chit chats in the CityTv videos.

Nicola has just popped out a sprog
A great bloke with years of experience both as a player and now one of the clubs characters. He is apparently going to work with city T.V. and is on the tour of the states. I find him very funny and down to earth, what you see is what you get. However he upset some of our fans with his comments about Mancini. The club has rewarded him with a pleasant career and I wish him well.
tonea2003 said:
TGR said:
Shaelumstash said:
Not sure on the Mild, but he reminds of one of those old timer Main Stand types who smoke JPS, drink Mild and wear the same beige trench coat season after season. The type who alludes to knowing people in The Masons and thinks it will impress people.

The misty eyed suggestion was a reference back to one of DD's more infamous posts where he suggested the 3rd Division play off was a better day than when we won the league with the Aguero goal.

I try hard not to agree with Dismal but the 3rd division play off game was a better and more important day than the
Augerooooo goal for many reasons.

more important? quite possibly, due to the probable consequences of failure, but its a moot point as we will never know

better? no chance, having experienced both in all its full glory there is no comparison there really isn't

I guess we will have to agree to disagree. Like you I was at both games and for me it's the Wembley play off game without any doubt.
Each to his own I guess and that's what makes the world go round

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