Chelsea Thread 16/17

Bollocks they do... have we got a chav invasion on here recently? Chelsea stumbled upon something that works there's no long term plan and it can easily come unstuck IMO(I agree you're favourites but you don't have the CL... we are not going to stop the Leicester comparison because it holds a lot of weight). You may prefer that style of play but the rest of the world doesn't, there isn't a team in the Prem that could have beat Barca the way we beat them, we try and play the same way no matter who the opposition that's what the best teams have... a football identity. As for goals, that's just the thing, if we were half as clinical as Chelsea have been we'd have smashed them 4-0 that day, our chances to goals ratio is much worse we are creating a lot more great chances than people are giving credit for(quickly forgotten when a people look back on a scoreline).

We have a long term plan, we are in a period of transition and may need to replace a few players before you see Pep's style implemented fully but we'll get there and I think we're set for a much stronger second half of the season because they are all slowly getting more used to it so don't write us off either.
Im not writing you off, and 4-0? LOL
We had PLENTY of chances to score aswell, we could have scored 4 or five past you aswell, although i must admit, that you guys were indeed the better team on the day and had the best chances, but the difference was not as big as you say.
And you guys are boring as hell to watch sometimes, zero penetration and directness. One game doesnt change that. And you can search or ask any neutral who actually follows football, who they prefer to watch right now, and the majority will say Chelsea.
Again, thats just my opinion and i hope you dont take that as an offense
It wasnt clean. Then again Luiz should not have been on the pitch for it happen in the first place
Sorry, but that play was not as clear as you are making it to be, they were both at high speed and from the replays, i personally thought that Aguero ran into Luiz trying to get the foul
No, it was a definite sending off. It was a blatant foul. Your point is a compete non-sequitur.
My point is, he is calling us cheats and thugs, when your player does something like that, and i seriously doubt you will find a video of a Chelsea player diving this season, so his point for me is completely biased and moot.
Im not writing you off, and 4-0? LOL
We had PLENTY of chances to score aswell, we could have scored 4 or five past you aswell, although i must admit, that you guys were indeed the better team on the day and had the best chances, but the difference was not as big as you say.
And you guys are boring as hell to watch sometimes, zero penetration and directness. One game doesnt change that. And you can search or ask any neutral who actually follows football, who they prefer to watch right now, and the majority will say Chelsea.
Again, thats just my opinion and i hope you dont take that as an offense
You only had those chances because we missed ours... right or wrong should De Bruyne have scored, should Aguero have scored? Would we have been as open to the counter had either one of those goals gone in? They were both before you equalized if I remember right, the only time you threatened was on the counter bar the Costa goal which was a long ball which we would we should have had more cover for(and he used some of the top of his arm to control it ;) ).

Also I searched and the results are... all neutrals say City are much better to watch.
My point is, he is calling us cheats and thugs, when your player does something like that, and i seriously doubt you will find a video of a Chelsea player diving this season, so his point for me is completely biased and moot.
He said cheats I thought? An attempt to stop Aguero leaving him for dust by knocking him over? Aguero was seriously pissed off about that but shouldn't have flared up at the end there, the ref was a disgrace that day one of the worst displays I've seen.
My point is, he is calling us cheats and thugs, when your player does something like that, and i seriously doubt you will find a video of a Chelsea player diving this season, so his point for me is completely biased and moot.
I haven't called you thugs. I've said you're the worst for gamesmanship and play-acting. You have been for the last decade.
I have watched it again, Luiz does make some contact with Aguero, but to me he made the utmost of it, and he definitely could have continued running if he wanted to
I was there. I didnt need replys. There was not a person in the ground apart from the Ref who did not think it was a blatant foul. I would love to see your reply had it been against you. I will debate football with any away fan, not though with someone who is blind to the obvious

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