Chinese Consortium invests $400m in CFG

Mate, I'm not being condescending. I'm not saying I necessarily think it's a bad idea to start a club in South America. I'm saying our CEO has said it in his book. And I've outlined the reasons he gave why he thought it was a bad idea.

Feel free to read it if you don't believe me. It's called Goal; another way of winning by Ferran Sorriano, it's actually a really good book on management as well as football.

I'm not going to get in to a socio-economic debate with you about the risks and rewards of opening a business in South America. But what I will say is this; South America has a long established football culture. It is just as ingrained in the culture as it is in Europe, in some cases even more so.

If for example a new franchise team opened up tomorrow called Manchester Santos, how much support do you think it would generate? Or if the owners of Santos bought City and rebranded them as Manchester Santos, how happy do you think City fans would be to engage with that? What makes you think it would be any different if we did the same in South America?

The people care passionately about their clubs, it's part of their identity and culture, the same way City is to you and I. I think you're being a touch naive, and maybe even disrespectful to South Americans if you think they're going to ditch their traditional team to come and support a City franchise team because it's got a round badge and blue shirts.

I'm sure there are lots of opportunities to be had in South America, perhaps an academy or a link up with a club. But a new franchise team? Not for me. I agree with Ferran and the reasons he outlines in his book, if you want to call someone condescending, say it to him.

Exactly this. And another sign we have people at the helm with a brighter perspective when it comes to running a footballclub in the present. Footballclubs have been run by owners in a very conservative way, bit like the game itself. I tend to believe, without claiming to be an expert, that CFG will bring innovation to football. Much needed innovation.
Rag Cafe is hilarious...

"not worried"

"I've been to China and not seen one City shirt"

"when I travel and tell people I'm from Manchester they always say Ah, Mancheter United"

As a Blue has said on there, one day they will wake up and smell the coffee..... Deluded fuckers
I guess they'll have to add CFG to the wiki list of "Empires on which the sun never sets"...
No but the lads I spoke to in my office said that they supported United. Was in Singapore before China and so many Rag and Liverpool shirts.

Ok well it took 7 years to get to now, so in another 7 more, to get to....
Not wishing to put any kind of downer on things but isn't there some kind of restriction on an owner owning more than one club in a confederation?

As CFG already are part-owners of Yokohama in Japan, it can't buy/set up a club in China?

Hope I'm wrong. (Usually am according to Zubrwoman.)

Oh God. We're in trouble. I bet they haven't thought of this when the lawyers negotiated the £300 million pound deal.
Rag Cafe is hilarious...

"not worried"

"I've been to China and not seen one City shirt"

"when I travel and tell people I'm from Manchester they always say Ah, Mancheter United"

As a Blue has said on there, one day they will wake up and smell the coffee..... Deluded fuckers

It's the same hackneyed shit that some of them spout over and over. What made me laugh is in response to the "no City shirts in China" comment, a United fan in that thread said he saw plenty of City fans in the part of China he went to but that post was pretty much totally ignored.

Personally I've no idea how popular or unpopular City are in China and frankly I don't really give much of a shit because it doesn't impact on me and the way I support City in any way whatsoever - plus if City ever do get to a point where we have more fans worldwide than United I won't be seen dead indulging in the kind of dick waving that some of the shallow cunts on Rag Cafe are doing - but let's just look at a few simple facts. I have read that of all the non-Chinese clubs City have the second most followers (United are top) on the Chinese social media paltform Weibo and that was before this deal was even announced. Furthermore, we will have followers in China simply because of our links with Sun Jihai. That's a decent enough starting base already and I'd imagine our exposure over there is about to become a hell of a lot more prominent. Anyone with half a brain cell who takes their own particular club's blinkers off can surely see with a deal like this that it gives us huge potential to grow our brand in the most populated country in the world.
I have learned from Rag Caf that this deal is just money laundering and we remain ickle Citeh. Some Blue on there claiming we've got 75m Chinese fans is playing right into their hands.

Oh well, while they try to wrap their tiny minds around the implications at least they can forget the shite that's served up in the Theatre of Dweams.

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