Chris Bailey - a disgrace!

tolmie's hairdoo

Well-Known Member
20 Feb 2008
Waiting for Axelrod to return...
How the fook does Robinho warrant a mark of five in his MEN ratings today.

I'm starting to become right pissed off at the amount of people who have it in for Robbie in recent weeks and there now appears to be a real agenda to force this boy out.

People need to start asking themselves why the 'buzz' word is to stick the knife into him at every opportunity.

Yesterday, I really felt for him, he ran himself into the ground and tracked back and covered Zab time and again.

It's clear he was desperate to get on the scoresheet and I would suggest he is trying TOO hard at the mo.

Chris Bailey and other papers this morn again questioned his desire, one thing definitely on show on Sunday.

This is a young kid who has scored 12 goals in his first season - three goals behind Ronaldo (who scored six in his first year) in the most physical league in the world.

Robbie doesn't exactly possess the frame (yet) to totally compete and make the progression he wants more than anyone else.

The only thing which I can see being thrown at him is his price tag - something out of his control - as are his wages. Nobody can say he hasn't proved a better buy than Berbatov.

I finally cracked yesterday when a guy behind spent the entire game laying in to him - telling him he was shit ' the worst player ever to pull on a blue shirt'

Anyone who thinks the fans of Manure, Chelsea, Liverpool, media, are slagging him off because they can see he is holding poor old City back and just want the best for us are deluded.

It is done because Robbie being at City has put noses out of joint and he reprsents our challenge to the old guard.

Now I fear a significant minority of blues are also deluded.

Ask themselves how we will be perceived by others (included those in media who already take delight in doing us down) if Robbie is forced out - and to other players we are trying to sign.

Little old City, not big enough to keep a player like Robinho etc etc.

I told him to shut it and realise how lucky he was to see such a world class talent in a City shirt - Brazil's number ten - and how he'd rather have Ricky Holden running down the wing like the good old days.

Imagine what Robbie will be like when he has seriously good players around him.

In a Manure, or any other top four team, he'd have had 20 goals already.

All I hope is my fellow blues will put an arm around this kid, before it's too late to realise how much of a good thing we were actually on to.
Chris Bailey isn't a disgrace for giving Robbie a 5, Robbie was pretty poor yesterday IMO

I agree with the general point you're making though
Robbie's been linked to certain illegal deposits that are, in fact, directly responsible for the worldwide banking crisis. He could sort out the Palestinian issue if he could be arsed. Certain accusations are about to hit the papers about his links to Bin Laden & the Taliban.

He's to blame for every bad thing thats ever happened.

Personally, I quite like the bloke. And he plays for City, which is good enough for me.
he did one thing wrong yesterday and that was miss a penalty, i was getting seriously pissed off on the way home listening to loads of people slagging him off on the radio
The Fat el Hombre said:
Chris Bailey isn't a disgrace for giving Robbie a 5, Robbie was pretty poor yesterday IMO

I agree with the general point you're making though

He is when he gave Bellamy a six!

Maybe Chris Bailey is part of the agenda? Who knows what issue, if any, the manager may have with the player. For the local reporter to side so heavily/easily with the national press, concerns me.

I've said before, to me, Robbie appears a more than convenient scapegoat for the manager and poor results at different stages of this season.

Maybe the manager would rather the player wasn't around for various reasons?

I thought Robbie was excellent yesterday, apart from as I said, trying too hard to get a goal.

I'd love someone to get the Opta stats from yesterday, apart from De Jong and Richards, I'd guess he covered more metres than anyone else.
I sat somewhere different in the North Stand yesterday, and have come to the realisation that some people will never be happy!

Here we have a luxury £32million pound player, somebody I would never dream of having in my team, somebody who has more skill in his toe than most players, somebody who I truly believe likes this club. Yet the abuse directed at him yesterday made me want to go around and castrate everyone of the fuckers who do not want him!

£100,000 A WEEK

This was some of the utter shite that was aimed at ROBINHO yesterday. Iv'e put ROBINHO in capitals so people who slag him off will realise how lucky we are to have a player of his calibre.

Sure he is going through a bad patch but it's his first season in un-doubtedly the greatest league in the world, you can see that he is trying to get out of this and the only way he will, is if people get off his back and start supporting him and the club, rather than picking at everything he does!
meldrew said:
I sat somewhere different in the North Stand yesterday, and have come to the realisation that some people will never be happy!

Here we have a luxury £32million pound player, somebody I would never dream of having in my team, somebody who has more skill in his toe than most players, somebody who I truly believe likes this club. Yet the abuse directed at him yesterday made me want to go around and castrate everyone of the fuckers who do not want him!

£100,000 A WEEK

This was some of the utter shite that was aimed at ROBINHO yesterday. Iv'e put ROBINHO in capitals so people who slag him off will realise how lucky we are to have a player of his calibre.

Sure he is going through a bad patch but it's his first season in un-doubtedly the greatest league in the world, you can see that he is trying to get out of this and the only way he will, is if people get off his back and start supporting him and the club, rather than picking at everything he does!

Spot on!

As for the waste of money thing...Robinho's 11 goals so far - without them - we would be at least six points worse off - a relegation nightmare costing us thick end of £50m - considerably more than we paid for him.
meldrew said:
I sat somewhere different in the North Stand yesterday, and have come to the realisation that some people will never be happy!

Here we have a luxury £32million pound player, somebody I would never dream of having in my team, somebody who has more skill in his toe than most players, somebody who I truly believe likes this club. Yet the abuse directed at him yesterday made me want to go around and castrate everyone of the fuckers who do not want him!

£100,000 A WEEK

This was some of the utter shite that was aimed at ROBINHO yesterday. Iv'e put ROBINHO in capitals so people who slag him off will realise how lucky we are to have a player of his calibre.

Sure he is going through a bad patch but it's his first season in un-doubtedly the greatest league in the world, you can see that he is trying to get out of this and the only way he will, is if people get off his back and start supporting him and the club, rather than picking at everything he does!

Great post. May I add that from my seat in the singing section yesterday I witnessed something that I can't remember happening since the days when Richard Edghill was playing for us - the downright inexcusable act of booing one of our players, namely Robinho. It happened the very next time he touched the ball after missing the penalty and to say I was disgusted is an understatement. So much so that I told every idiot who was booing to shut the fuck up. Some of the abuse he's enduring from our own fans at the moment is a fucking disgrace - the bloke tracks back far more than he is given credit for but no, some people fail to see that, and instead make stupid retarded judgements whenever something he tries doesn't quite come off.

Booing Robinho is as wrong and out of order as booing Edghill several years back.
You have to laugh at the numpties who have a go at him for not tracking back, when he does it almost as much as sweep. His strength is not his tackling but he puts his body there. Funny thing really, that a 32.5 million pound forward should be playing primarily as a defender according to plenty.

The irony is that as soon as Petrov is back they will all be calling for Robbie to be dropped. Petrov the incredible left back. Theres a player who will track back and fight for the team!

I whole heartedly agree. There is an agenda against Robinho. He has been made the new scapegoat. Its disgusting. The people doing it are the ones that are holding us back.
The booing nobs will be happy when he packs is bags and heads for warmer climates. And his friends ring to ask him about Manchester City and he says "the fans are unforgiving and they shouldn't consider it", they can all have a good old boo about the quality of players we ARE NOT attracting.

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