Cig fine in Manchester

Sorry but you are very wrong , i was born at home to a mum and dad on sixty a day each , my first breath was smoke. remains to be seen if i develop lung cancer eventually, Smokers are the ultimate selfish cunts

My dad died of cancer , my mum died of lung cancer after years of COPD and last year my brother died of lung cancer , all smokers
True about passive smoking...but many smokers smoke away from others now. No choice. But we're not all selfish cunts. Since giving up drinking, I've seen how drinkers get away with all kinds of selfish things. Nothing worse than being on public transport with a group them. Scary.
Selfish people are just that....selfish.
Dog owners
Non-dog owners
All cunts.
My ex got a fine for throwing a cig butt on the floor outside Tesco on Market Street. The fact that she worked in Tesco at the time and was on a smoke break ( ugh) caught her out.
Oh how I laughed.
True about passive smoking...but many smokers smoke away from others now. No choice. But we're not all selfish cunts. Since giving up drinking, I've seen how drinkers get away with all kinds of selfish things. Nothing worse than being on public transport with a group them. Scary.
Selfish people are just that....selfish.
A lot of drinkers become violent when drunk and I have in the past till I learned it's not cool to lose my cool, especially after I drank cider. I no longer drink cider or get drunk and when I very rarely do it's only merry drunk. I then drink a pint or two of orange squash to help rehydrate and sober me up, or go home to bed without any mither.
A lot of drinkers become violent when drunk and I have in the past till I learned it's not cool to lose my cool, especially after I drank cider. I no longer drink cider or get drunk and when I very rarely do it's only merry drunk. I then drink a pint or two of orange squash to help rehydrate and sober me up, or go home to bed without any mither.
Smokers are selfish fuckers ,they dont give a shit we have had to put up with passive smoking for many decades and they just chuck the butts on the floor like they have a right to

Time for a fucking reality check, vile habit
I smoke and I'm not selfish, and you know having met me that I'm a mild mannered kind considerate gentleman in the real world.

I didn’t /wouldn't smoke near you although I would blow smoke up your bum, menthol smoke of course, I'm not that vile and filthy.

Or maybe I am; )

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