City 1968 v City 2023

So much to chuck in to this. Diet, Sport science, training methods, pitches, tackling - christ most would fail the regular alcohol testing! Nice thought though. From 68 to early 70's they beat a lot of what was put in front of them, so similar. Legends - all of them. The current crop will be too.
As per thread title'

The City team that thrashed Real Madrid v The wonderful 1968 All English championship winning side,

Dowd/Mulhearn, Book, Pardoe, Doyle, Big George Heslop, Oakes, Summerbee, Bell, Lee, Young, Coleman, sub Connor.

90 minutes.

What would the score be?
Harry Dowd only played 7 games that season, and Alan Ogley 2.
Ken Mulhearn played the last 33 games so he should be considered the keeper for that season.
If Colin Bell hadn't been injured he probably would've played until he was 40.

A wonderful, unique player whose athleticism placed him ahead of his time.

Colin, Francis Lee and Glyn Pardoe,who was so adaptable, would each have been Pep type players.

The 68 team was a bloody good team !!
As per thread title'

The City team that thrashed Real Madrid v The wonderful 1968 All English championship winning side,

Dowd/Mulhearn, Book, Pardoe, Doyle, Big George Heslop, Oakes, Summerbee, Bell, Lee, Young, Coleman, sub Connor.

90 minutes.

What would the score be?
68 they won summat

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