City accuse County of sexism - Vicky Kloss {merged}


Well-Known Member
2 Jan 2009
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Re: Manchester City accuse Notts County of sexism

good looking girl like vicky shoudl have no need to hang around the gents toilets
Re: Manchester City accuse Notts County of sexism

Oh dear... Just because you didn't win.
Re: Manchester City accuse Notts County of sexism

I prefer the Grauniad article, which finishes its article mentioning:

The tunnel where the row occurred is sponsored by Hooters, a chain of bars known for its scantily clad barmaids.

Still, pretty shocking if this is the case, right after the whole Sian Massey/Sky Sports thing. Of course, I'm going to wait for the result of the appeal to the FA before properly judging.
Re: Manchester City accuse Notts County of sexism

SuperNotts said:
Oh dear... Just because you didn't win.

With respect mate, you've been a decent poster on here now that comment stinks of a small time club.

Or am i being Clarkied?

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