City accuse County of sexism - Vicky Kloss {merged}

gaudinho's stolen car said:
NottsCountyFC said:
Wasnt trying to lecture, just responding to my team being reffered to as 'backwards, sexist bumpkins', of which we are none.

Out of interest, since the new owners have come in for you, have you had a climb in attendances and have you noticed any change in the quality of the fan?

When munto came in last season for us we had a few bandwagoners jump on board, many of which have lasted longer then our previous owners; and I have noticed that there are a few unsavoury fans at the club along with it. They are never there when we are on bad form, but as soon as we win a game they are back again.

It is noted that you don't refute the fact that one of your employees is a murderer.

Also, I find it hard to believe that Notts County have any bandwaggoners, unless it's a load of those women who like to get married to murderers.

Theres already another 2 threads on this subject, didnt want to make it 3.
daveduke67 said:
NottsCountyFC said:
hahah, good call. But really I'm not even contemplating relegation. We had a dreadful start to the season mixed in with the worlds worst luck under Craig Short but have hit form now, just a shame that it was at the same time as clubs around us so we havent really climbed. We'll be fine though.

Mind, we were voted as the most stressful club to support for a reason!

You're telling us about stressful clubs - get away with you ;-)

Its a SkySportsFACT apparently. I would say we are much more stressful, me old mans hairline has receeded furiously over the past decade alone!

Not sure about those signs really, the Co-Op Insurance company made them and handed them out for free. Its now in my Notts memorbilia collection now anyway.
NottsCountyFC said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Thank fuck we aren't anymore you backwards, sexist, bumpkin, murderer employers.

Thats why I love not being the fan of a Premiership team. Half of you are on a different planet. Is that why you had some aliens running around on the pitch before the game?

Like you have a choice ???....

So if your beloved County reach the same pinacle we are at, you will not support them?
BufordUSABlue said:
NottsCountyFC said:
Thats why I love not being the fan of a Premiership team. Half of you are on a different planet. Is that why you had some aliens running around on the pitch before the game?

Like you have a choice ???....

So if your beloved County reach the same pinacle we are at, you will not support them?

I would, but I think I would also perhaps lose interest to an extent to be honest.

Oh, and it was an attmept to refer to the bandwagon fans who have only jumped on board since you became billionaires.

In referance to the O.P, I now know enough to suggest that there was in fact no foul play from Notts and that we were right to escourt V.K out of the tunnel.

I was told this in confidence though and I will not go into detail, but I will say that a few people have hinted at it already and also, there is no such thing as an 'Access All Area's' pass at Notts County, like what Vicky suggested she had.

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