City accuse County of sexism - Vicky Kloss {merged}

gaudinho's stolen car said:
NottsCountyFC said:
I never said that we won, just that it was a great result, which is a fact, it was. I believe that if you had won comfortably then this wouldnt even have had been reported as it has.

I really am surprised by the ridiculousness of some of the replies on here over this. Whatever the story claimed, she was not kicked out of the tunnel for being a woman, as there were other women there; two of which I have spoken to. If she did not have the neccessary authority, did not make known who she was or did not seek out the people neccessary to allow her to go there then she would be stopped. You cant just have anybody walking around that area, like at the World Cup when a fan broke into the changing room area of the England changing rooms.

And again, if we have a rule - which a lot places use, that women cannot go in a male changing room, then she has to abide by it - if you call that sexism then you might aswell say that the whole idea of separate gender changing rooms is 'sexist'.

But as I said earlier, if there was perhaps a sexist undertone in telling her to leave from any of the police appointed Stewards for the game then we will obviously follow it up.

You werent at a Premiership club, things are different down at this level. Its shouldnt really be a shock, it wasnt too long ago that you were playing teams much like us each week.

Thank fuck we aren't anymore you backwards, sexist, bumpkin, murderer employers.

Thats why I love not being the fan of a Premiership team. Half of you are on a different planet. Is that why you had some aliens running around on the pitch before the game?
gaudinho's stolen car said:
NottsCountyFC said:
I never said that we won, just that it was a great result, which is a fact, it was. I believe that if you had won comfortably then this wouldnt even have had been reported as it has.

I really am surprised by the ridiculousness of some of the replies on here over this. Whatever the story claimed, she was not kicked out of the tunnel for being a woman, as there were other women there; two of which I have spoken to. If she did not have the neccessary authority, did not make known who she was or did not seek out the people neccessary to allow her to go there then she would be stopped. You cant just have anybody walking around that area, like at the World Cup when a fan broke into the changing room area of the England changing rooms.

And again, if we have a rule - which a lot places use, that women cannot go in a male changing room, then she has to abide by it - if you call that sexism then you might aswell say that the whole idea of separate gender changing rooms is 'sexist'.

But as I said earlier, if there was perhaps a sexist undertone in telling her to leave from any of the police appointed Stewards for the game then we will obviously follow it up.

You werent at a Premiership club, things are different down at this level. Its shouldnt really be a shock, it wasnt too long ago that you were playing teams much like us each week.

Thank fuck we aren't anymore you backwards, sexist, bumpkin, murderer employers.

What is this thing about saying that she wanted to go into the changing rooms? She doesn't go in there when players are changing -who do they think they are talking about here - the cleaners pervy wife ffs?

She wanted to pass a message on to Mancini to let him know about media requests - probably get a move on and bollock them on the coach - you're needed upstairs NOW!
Don't clubs get fined if they miss press conferences?
daveduke67 said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Thank fuck we aren't anymore you backwards, sexist, bumpkin, murderer employers.

What is this thing about saying that she wanted to go into the changing rooms? She doesn't go in there when players are changing -who do they think they are talking about here - the cleaners pervy wife ffs?

She wanted to pass a message on to Mancini to let him know about media requests - probably get a move on and bollock them on the coach - you're needed upstairs NOW!
Don't clubs get fined if they miss press conferences?

Early reports suggest that she wanted access to the changing rooms (perhaps to do what you are saying), obviously if she has made known her reasons for wishing to go there and if she had been given the authority to go and do so there would have been no problem, either she could have gone or got someone else to. Its obvious she did something which caused her to be removed from the area because as I said earlier, there were women in the vicinity of her.

I'm not sure IF there is a rule about the changing rooms, just something that I had previously been told about.
NottsCountyFC said:
Thats why I love not being the fan of a Premiership team. Half of you are on a different planet. Is that why you had some aliens running around on the pitch before the game?
Been there, done that mate. 28,000 average in the same division you're in now. We also know what it's like to have far more successful neighbours. Don't try and lecture us on what it's like to be a real fan.

Fair play on the mascot top trumps front though. In terms of mascots' league, Hooters will win you the Champions League.
NottsCountyFC said:
Thats why I love not being the fan of a Premiership team. Half of you are on a different planet. Is that why you had some aliens running around on the pitch before the game?

In the position County are in I wouldn't get too used to being a fan of a League One team either.

You have to win those games in hand before you say it ;-)
Skashion said:
NottsCountyFC said:
Thats why I love not being the fan of a Premiership team. Half of you are on a different planet. Is that why you had some aliens running around on the pitch before the game?
Been there, done that mate. 28,000 average in the same division you're in now. We also know what it's like to have far more successful neighbours. Don't try and lecture us on what it's like to be a real fan.

Fair play on the mascot top trumps front though. In terms of mascots' league, Hooters will win you the Champions League.

Wasnt trying to lecture, just responding to my team being reffered to as 'backwards, sexist bumpkins', of which we are none.

Out of interest, since the new owners have come in for you, have you had a climb in attendances and have you noticed any change in the quality of the fan?

When munto came in last season for us we had a few bandwagoners jump on board, many of which have lasted longer then our previous owners; and I have noticed that there are a few unsavoury fans at the club along with it. They are never there when we are on bad form, but as soon as we win a game they are back again.
daveduke67 said:
NottsCountyFC said:
Thats why I love not being the fan of a Premiership team. Half of you are on a different planet. Is that why you had some aliens running around on the pitch before the game?

In the position County are in I wouldn't get too used to being a fan of a League One team either.

You have to win those games in hand before you say it ;-)

hahah, good call. But really I'm not even contemplating relegation. We had a dreadful start to the season mixed in with the worlds worst luck under Craig Short but have hit form now, just a shame that it was at the same time as clubs around us so we havent really climbed. We'll be fine though.

Mind, we were voted as the most stressful club to support for a reason!
NottsCountyFC said:
Skashion said:
Been there, done that mate. 28,000 average in the same division you're in now. We also know what it's like to have far more successful neighbours. Don't try and lecture us on what it's like to be a real fan.

Fair play on the mascot top trumps front though. In terms of mascots' league, Hooters will win you the Champions League.

Wasnt trying to lecture, just responding to my team being reffered to as 'backwards, sexist bumpkins', of which we are none.

Out of interest, since the new owners have come in for you, have you had a climb in attendances and have you noticed any change in the quality of the fan?

When munto came in last season for us we had a few bandwagoners jump on board, many of which have lasted longer then our previous owners; and I have noticed that there are a few unsavoury fans at the club along with it. They are never there when we are on bad form, but as soon as we win a game they are back again.

It is noted that you don't refute the fact that one of your employees is a murderer.

Also, I find it hard to believe that Notts County have any bandwaggoners, unless it's a load of those women who like to get married to murderers.
NottsCountyFC said:
hahah, good call. But really I'm not even contemplating relegation. We had a dreadful start to the season mixed in with the worlds worst luck under Craig Short but have hit form now, just a shame that it was at the same time as clubs around us so we havent really climbed. We'll be fine though.

Mind, we were voted as the most stressful club to support for a reason!

You're telling us about stressful clubs - get away with you ;-)

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