City and debt

Top Floor Guy the essence of the article was City and Debt and the fact that we have none. Now whether money is held in high interest bearing accounts or in the Sheikhs back pocket no one knows , not you or the original poster, unless you happen to be City's FD.

The chances are that it is not, however it is totaly irrelevant to the whole thrust of the arguement that is................

CITY HAVE NO DEBT...........hurrah
Project said:
shepboy said:
I actually agree with this sentiment except for one thing. I not bothered about about paying them back. You see, I'm not a rag hater because to hate them would mean that I would actually have to have some feelings for them and my attitude towards United is that they're beneath my contempt. It would be like some medieval king caring for an individual peasant, if you get my meaning.

P.s. thanks for the feedback on the on my question about pulling the plug on the loan

Think you misinterpreted - I was implying more along the lines of friends and family who have been quite happy to ram our misfortunes down my throat over the years. Its them I care about "revenge", in a light hearted banter kind of way. All other rag fans mean nothing to me.

Fair do's, I know what you mean. Thankfully, living down south now, I don't have to put up with it too much any more. Brighton's full of Spuds fans
TopFloorGuy said:
BufordUSABlue said:
Hey Rag,

Nice to see that you made the decision to come across to BM for some sensible and intelligent banter. not sure how much you will actually understand though and I wish i could say that i feel your pain........but i dont.........i fecking revel in it every day of my life, get ready to step aside as we pass on by, the Blue juggernaut is very firmly in town, you bunch of severely deluded toss-pots...........enjoy your debt for the rest of your lives!!

No Rag here my friend.... just a city fan who wants to challenge incorrect info in case others get misled !!

Refer back to the original post and the reference to contracts being paid in advance and deposited in interest bearing accounts is total rubbish. these do not exist.

citys next set of annual accounts when published will show this clearly.

The monies are available for the sum of the contracts, and probably for the easiest suggestion would be tax reasons, the money is readily available in a holding for all contracts to be paid up in full should they ever need to be.
The next set of accounts may possibly show an obsecene amount inputed by a spurious sponsor, that being the wage payer.

And while you thinking of a reply, our owner has probably bought and sold your salary 3 times over in that time without batting an eyelid.
Prestwich_Blue said: said:
City are surely now a privately owned company and as such they do not have to publish accounts
All companies, public or private, have to file accounts at Companies House and these are accessible for the princely sum of £1.

Shoul we apply for a borrow of the Sheik or dya reckon we could scrub it up with a whip round?
NOTW article today saying we are/were in £132 million of debt (Deloitte and Touche report) figs up to end of 2008
Lads. I'd be very careful. Although I'm sure our financial situation isn't the same as Chelsea or "them" I do not subscribe to the idea this is free money or a gift. These people didn't get this rich by giving away money. I am enjoying the transformation of our club but I am worried about what is gong on and the future.
Magri said:
Lads. I'd be very careful. Although I'm sure our financial situation isn't the same as Chelsea or "them" I do not subscribe to the idea this is free money or a gift. These people didn't get this rich by giving away money. I am enjoying the transformation of our club but I am worried about what is gong on and the future.

agreed, to an extent, we need to win things or else i reckon they'll pull the plug.the only thing is though we'll be a lot more buyable should that come about.

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