City are skint

Why do people listen to a balloon head agent that is telling lies every day ( he said a deal had been done with an English club on Monday !! )

I hope we walk away. Not worth £35m - and no other club could afford to pay over £20m.

The cards are in our hands. I hope we walk away
strongbowholic said:
Braggster said:
On the contrary, I think it would be madness (and a sign of weakness) to sue him.

It is much more sensible to ignore such drivel.

Not sure it's a sign of weakness. Personally, I think a 'line in the sand' does us no harm whatsoever.

Wanker agents are a fact of life in football. However much they behave like idiots and shoot their mouth off at every opportunity, sometimes they are selling wares that we need.

Suing one of them for a daft comment that (i) no-one takes seriously and (ii) will be forgotten by next week is needlessly antagonistic and would risk creating the impression that doing business with City is risky which is not sensible at all.

The only time you would really sue for a comment like this is if there was a general perception that you were insolvent. Which is why it's a sign of weakness.

Drawing a line in the sand is needed, I agree, but the way to do that is to make clear, in no uncertain terms, that we will not simply cave in to his demands. With the added benefit of maintaining our dignity and reputation for fair dealing.
Wise counsel indeed Braggster. Good points well put. I guess the old "hurt one of us, hurt all of us" leads to rash decisions!
What a knob!

I doubt that anyone anywhere believes for one minute that city are bankrupt - in fact they are probably the club that is furthest away from it - in the world!

All he has done is show what a mard arse he is and hopefully clubs will now be very wary of dealing with him, his clients will fuck him off and he will have to crawl back to the stone he slithered out from.

It's a pity clubs can't get together and ignore these cheeky wankers altogether. Players and clubs should jointly fund an independant go-between who gets paid a set fee. Maybe a standard contract for everyone - just fill in the empty boxes with name, term of contract, salary, win/cup/league position/etc. bonuses.

That'd save a fortune on agents fees - we could then use some of the savings to train the barstaff how to speak English.

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