City are the neutrals' favourites

Balti said:
Blue Streak said:
I have two mates who are cousins and Chelsea Season Ticket Holders. One goes to every game home, away, europe the lot. Spends a fortune and hasn't missed a match for over thirty years. Anyway he text me last night telling me everyone he knows in London who isn't a Liverpool fan wants City to win it. And I quote him 'even the cockney mancs I know want you to win it mate'. I think those of over a certain age remember how insufferable Liverpool fans were for years and years and years.

and this year

Oh yes.
Barcon said:
sapper said:
kun said:
Mostly this one mate.
Nah all three mate
dependent on view point

Don't care anyway
Well you've been well and truly ignored by the top six all season pal. And you'll be ignored on the last day of the season by the supporters of every other club in the world.
You sire, are a poet. I salute you.
Ali Benarbia said:
Yorkshire said:
Can't speak for anyone else but from my own experience Liverpool did seem to be the neutrals favourites. For the obvious reasons e.g. "Liverpool have built a team the honest way"
And some of the players they've bought are dishonest.
No question. Massive Arsenal fan here, and if we can't win it I've no problem seeing City do it. Likable squad, respectful, classy manager and decent fans. The criminals from Liverpool on the other hand - its almost like the media have forgotten how cuntish, obnoxious and stupid LFC fans are when they're winning (I know its been a while, ha!). Look no further than the past month - its been absolutely dreadful.

I won't celebrate too much if/when you lot win it, but I'll definitely cheer hard for the result Sunday... just hope we stay healthy and sign some reinforcements to challenge you lot next season.

Springbokks said:
No question. Massive Arsenal fan here, and if we can't win it I've no problem seeing City do it. Likable squad, respectful, classy manager and decent fans. The criminals from Liverpool on the other hand - its almost like the media have forgotten how cuntish, obnoxious and stupid LFC fans are when they're winning (I know its been a while, ha!). Look no further than the past month - its been absolutely dreadful.

I won't celebrate too much if/when you lot win it, but I'll definitely cheer hard for the result Sunday... just hope we stay healthy and sign some reinforcements to challenge you lot next season.



I was in North London earlier in the year when the dippers were crowing that they had 'all but won the title'

I was talking to some gooners in a pub ( I am a United fan) all old sods like me who remember what they were like back in the day
Nice to see a bit of balance. Although I don't think the 'neutral' are a single entity, every fan has their own thoughts and feeling as to who they would rather win.

At the end of the day the 'neutral' doesn't really care that much either way do they?
Re: City are the neutrals favourites

Bodicoteblue said:
It's interesting to see the difference between people like Stockport Mackem and some of the "guests" we get here from certain other clubs , with their bitterness and sense of entitlement. We all know who they are!
A proper fan who actually seems to understand how it really works - keep it up lad ( or lass)

Lad (just double checked). ;-)

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