City borrow money from Barclays against TV revenue - any cause for concern?

Just found this out .i am not saying the Sbeik is down to his last few bob, simply think a matter of restructuring finance, However part of the early argument with Napoli was payment instalments
It's not a problem. It's normal for any other club.
As fans we expect all is well at the top so we dont question it, but regarding something like this a statement from with in the club would not be unreasonable

Maybe so but this has been debated on another thread and the views of the Forum’s financial experts were that this is just for cash flow purposes because the delayed timing of when we receive the Prem / TV money doesn’t fit with the timing of the transfer window and other expenditure we incur.
apparently it's for the purchase of our own boat from Harland and Wolff and an iceberg.
Hang on a minute,didn’t the sheikh bail Barclays out too the tune of £2 billion a few year ago,maybe it’s his interest being paid back.
Maybe so but this has been debated on another thread and the views of the Forum’s financial experts were that this is just for cash flow purposes because the delayed timing of when we receive the Prem / TV money doesn’t fit with the timing of the transfer window and other expenditure we incur.
okay i have not seen another thread regarding this so sorry if ive doubled up
I thought most businesses run like this. One thing offsets another and at the end of the financial year, the two columns indicate profit, loss or break even.
City is run as a stand-alone business. We don’t just sheikh the money tree ( contrary to what fans of other clubs think).
I imagine that the interest on this bridging loan was so attractive, it’s worth taking.
It's nothing we haven't done before.

It's an extended overdraft facility at preferential rates for essentially running the club throughout the year.

It's not £150m, either. It's simply a charge set against TV money if we default (it gets settled well in advance)

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