City fan complaining - MEN

Kirkstall Blue said:
How to be the perfect City fan, read this thread and have a lesson on how to treat other City fans.

your obviously a mate of this sad sack of shit.

How the fuck did this thick twat think that City wouldn't be implicated in his complaint. Yeah Yeah " I was complaining abut kitbag"... bollocks... he ordered the City Kit from a CITY site NOT from Kitbag... he can try and weedle his way out of this by denying quotes and blaming kitbag.. but the truth is he's a moaning sad sack who spat his dummy out because he did'nt get what you wanted straight away.

I bet he "scweamed and scweamed"until he was sick when he was younger.
If it was me, as soon as they contacted me and said "we want to do a story on this", I would have said "No, fuck of. I'm a not going to slag off my team. What do you think I am, a fucking rag?"
P.S, if that's you'r "straight face", you'r a misserable looking twat.
I wonder if I can get my money back for City losing against Spurs?

Mancini promised me Champions League and it wasn't delivered on time.

Apparently its going to be one season late!
gidge said:
think your all missing the point totally. i wouldnt go to the media to slag city off, otherwise i wouldnt be a fan. i contacted the m.e.n guy to contact city for a fuckin explanation which i wasnt getting. i literally got no feedback as to when i would recieve the shirts therefore fuckin dire customer service. thats the point. the only option i had at the time. i'd tried called kitbag, the delivery service, city customer services and not ONE person could tell me what the fuck was goin on! what would you do? at the end of the day, they apoligised and gave a shitty explanation, but one nonetheless. and i finally got my shirts. end of.

you thick sad sack of shit... "i wouldnt go to the media to slag city off, otherwise i wouldnt be a fan. i contacted the m.e.n guy to contact city for a fuckin explanation which i wasnt getting"... so you contacted a reporter to get an expanation......... pull the other testical its got bells on.

Also please explain at what point were you £100 down.... on the 5th day perhaps... again you sad sack of shit.. you were never £100 down.

Oh and another thing calling fellow City fans "mongs" and other names isn't the cleverest thing to do when your name, address and ugly mug has been spashed all over the local papers...... you never know when one of them might be stood next to you at the bar in the Kenilworth.
Here's a shirt that's better suited to you

gidge said:
it was actually 4days. n when you pay for a service you expect to recieve it. at the end of the day £97 is £97 none the less. Just because its city doesnt mean they can get away with rippin people off. this discount of 10% is given to season ticket holders anyway n that wasnt issued on the receipt so they shouldnt bullshit by sayin an additional! the article in the paper was a far fetched version of what went on n the supposed "quotes" were not said either. the main problem was with KITBAG and the shit delivery people who are mongs and cant use SATNAV!!!!! also it wasn't my shirt i was arsed about it was my fuckin dads you horrible cunts. unlike sum he cant drive or walk or even get the bus to the ground/manchester city center store to get his shirt because he's disabled!!!!! so i had to order it online. read the whole article n you will see. If you know my dad n see how much he loves city n how much city clothes he has you would understand!!!!! Next time don't be so quick to judge you bunch of shit stirrin wankers.

-- Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:25 pm --

iv been a season ticket holder for 7years!!! and i been watchin city since i was two. so no im not a glory fan,

4 days ffs, oh fook the world is falling apart and when the fook does 1 shirt cost £97 using your dad as an excuse is poor.
I think the lads got the message,i think he realised he fucked up but there's another poster on this thread (not naming names)that made the front page of the MEN(quite a while back mind you)with equally embarrassing nonsense,did an article that at the time we needed like a hole in the head.
You weren't our spokesman btw

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