City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

Overpriced food, overpriced parking, wondering whether the ticket you have paid for is going to work, a tannoy system where you cannot hear yourself think, a club shop that is by and large unaffordable, competing against the traffic, not allowed
a lid on your 3 quid bottle of pop, so many factors make attending at times a chore
There's no escaping it. The club have made it affordable but the motivation just isn't there for those who can't be somehow arsed not to watch when it is not top tier opponents each week.

Totally get the people who don't like the Champions League and the decision making which comes with it.

Regardless, I am finding it increasingly bizarre around the 82 minute mark, without fail, a collective clanking of seats and rushing for the exits.

Made worse last night when the team were trailing and pushing for an equaliser.

Perhaps because we don't have a true superstar of the game, this is still a club which can't rely on tourists every week.

There are loads of justifiable reasons and midweek traffic is a main one, but it all has to be looked at.

Personally, make tickets a fiver for the group stages and then just let people moan they can't get a ticket (I would also look at if the ticket isn't used/people move down the queue for the knock out stages)
Just on prices, the lad i sit next to at work is a season ticket holder in Liverpool's main stand..... £53 for his ticket vs PSG this week.
The constant rising of prices of our SCs doesn't help.

It either pisses people off so they say "right, well this year, i'm not joining the CL cup scheme, fuck 'em!" or prices people out of everything and once you price someone out it's very very easy for them to get used to not going (you'd be surprised, even lads you'd never expect in a million years to stop going have fully stopped!)

The club have got so much right on the football side of things but my word they have not understood our fanbase at all!

They've misjudged the size of the wealthy side of it, they've misjudged the vastness of the working class element of it, they've misjudged how they think they'd just attract a load of day trippers to our support, they misjudged that we've never had glory hunter element to our support, they misjudged that near 50% increases in SCs in six years will have a huge impact on our fanbase...
Spot on. I didn't go on any cup scheme this season as a protest against the completely unnecessary price rise. I only half watched last night's game while doing something else.

You're right about the club's complete misreading of the fan base. They've assumed we have a similar level of support to the rags or Liverpool when we're miles away from that. I'm convinced that the price increases the last 2 seasons we're solely to bring prices in line with those at the swamp. Of course we have some cheap tickets but we also have more expensive ones, like 93:20. If you look at the prices in the middle they're almost identical to theirs.

There's probably a dozen games at Arsenal you can watch each season, in categories B & C, that are cheaper than you'd pay at the Etihad. That's not right and we need to be more realistic.
The early round League Cup and FA Cup attendances (50k v Wolves and 54k v Burnley last season) compared to our CL Group Stage attendances (none over 45000 last season) shows you where the CL Group Stage lies in our fans' list of priorities.

No early round tickets for any cups should be over £15. The CL Group Stage should just be £15, no reason why it shouldn't be, it's the bloody Group Stage FFS.
The early round League Cup and FA Cup attendances (50k v Wolves and 54k v Burnley last season) compared to our CL Group Stage attendances (none over 45000 last season) shows you where the CL Group Stage lies in our fans list of priorities.

No early round tickets for any cups should be over £15. The CL Group Stage should just be £15, no reason why it shouldn't be, it's the bloody Group Stage FFS.

Both those clubs brought thousands though?

Think 8,000?

Not sure the slack would have been picked up, especially the Wolves tie.

Burnley was a Saturday.
My 3 games is 70 and 25 quid so probably with food , parking etc it’s probably 150
It’s a lot of money to be paying out , on top of the 95 a month for season ticket
Football prices are crazy in general .if your a regular match going fan anyway if you compare the £22 the alex charge and dippers £50 arsenal £70? Then I think our prices stack up favourably this time

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