City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

So why do you leave early at so many games?
With all due respect I refer you to my earlier answer, it’s none of yours or anyone else’s business.

The same way it’s none of my business why some people never sing or even stand up when we score.

Each to their own man, let people be who they wanna be
Unfortunately, it's part of our DNA. My dad used to drag me to the back of the Platt Lane (in the 70's) with 5 minutes to go. Just to run down the steps and be one of the first down Shit Alley to get back to the car. We lived in Withington ffs. I hated it. Now I sit and wait till everyone's gone and stroll out. I love the feel of the stadium at the end of the match. I bump into similar characters every game. It's a choice.
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With all due respect I refer you to my earlier answer, it’s none of yours or anyone else’s business.

The same way it’s none of my business why some people never sing or even stand up when we score.

Each to their own man, let people be who they wanna be
That’s fine but it doesn’t answer why we have so many early leavers which is not even seen at anfield or even the swamp when we’re at the top of our game.
I disagree.

A very vocal yet very small minority of people on the internet (most of whom have never been near a football ground) make a song and dance about trivialities like this.

But like I’ve said many times before on here I’ve been going to Maine Road / the Etihad for over 40 yrs and I must’ve left early maybe 80% of the time and nobody has ever said a cross word to me about it. Not once. That tells me all I need to know about whether it’s a real issue or not in the eyes of normal people
People who spend as much time as you and I on this social media platform are not normal.

Context is everything, and in the context of supporting a football team, trivia matters. It's all trivia.
Unfortunately, it's part of our DNA. My dad used to drag me to the back of the Platt Lane (in the 70's) with 5 minutes to go. Just to run down the steps and be one of the first down Shit Alley to get back to the car. We lived in Withington ffs. I hated it. Now I sit and wait till everyone's gone and stroll out. I love the feel of the stadium at the end of the match. I bump into the similar characters every game. It's a choice.
Same here. I swore I'd never leave early as soon as I was old enough to go on my own.
I rarely leave a match early. This was reinforced when I was in London for a graduation-type event. We went down the day before and I noted that West Ham were playing Leeds that night. I jumped ship from thr hptel where my parents were staying and went to Upton Park. It was typical Don Revie era Leeds performance from a highly talented but very pragmatic playing style.

Leeds were 2-0 ahead and the match was getting tedious so I left 10 minutes early. No sooner was I out of the stadium when a roar was heard. A minute or so later, this was repeated. West Ham were level. As it happened, Leeds then decided to start to attack and won 3-2.

Since then I have rarely left a match early. Sometimes I have done so for specific reasons. One time we had booked tickets for a concert in Leeds including a hotel long before the fixtures were released.

I parked the car at Ashton Moss and we left the match five minutes early. We caught a tram and were able to get away and into the car very quickly. We arrived in time to check into the hotel and got into our seats at the venue just as the concert started.

Apart from that I am struggling to think of a time I have left a match before the end. Imagine leaving an Agatha Christie play just before Poirot or Miss Marple announced who the murderer was?
People who spend as much time as you and I on this social media platform are not normal.

Context is everything, and in the context of supporting a football team, trivia matters. It's all trivia.
I enjoy reading your posts usually mate, I don’t think we’re gonna find any common ground here so let’s just agree to disagree
I enjoy reading your posts usually mate, I don’t think we’re gonna find any common ground here so let’s just agree to disagree
It’s just the juxtaposition.

On the one hand, you’re telling everyone that the M1 is open all night for fans to travel to and from Wembley, whilst you can’t be arsed to stay to the end at our home stadium.

I get that life is full of contradictions, but whenever I go to a game, I’ll stay til the end, whether City are involved or not. It’s just odd to leave early.
That’s fine but it doesn’t answer why we have so many early leavers which is not even seen at anfield or even the swamp when we’re at the top of our game.
I just think we have more evidence of it happening at City cos we see it with our own eyes 19 times a season whereas we obviously don’t get to see it at those places.

I disagree that it doesn’t happen with their support. Given that only 3k blues get tickets to those dumps I think that semis and finals at Wembley are a better chance for us to see evidence with our own eyes that they leave early too. The frankly astonishing speed with which the rag half of the stadium emptied in 2011 and 2023 and the dipper half emptied in 2016 is all the evidence we need.

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