Which is why the game should be regulating the amount of debt clubs are allowed to hold. It doesn’t have to be draconian (no debt allowed) that wold be impractical and possibly a restraint of trade as most businesses run on a certain level of debt for various reasons. But it should be sensible, at a level of say 10% of total income, give or take a % or two.
That way if the money does run out, or become severely restricted relative to now, clubs would still be relative liquid and certainly would not expect to have too many serious issues in furnishing the debt.
Unlike now where most clubs would be up shit creek without a paddle if the money ran dry - as we are seeing to an extent in this post covid world - because , amongst other reasons, the game chose to regulate precisely the thing it should have been encouraging - investment - and allow free reign on the precise thing it should have been managing - unlimited gorging on debt.
This happens in every other facet of life and business..I am allowed to spend my own money on whatever the hell i want as long as i have the cash available. As is my boss for his business. I’m protected from myself by financial regulation which stops the banks issuing me excessive unaffordable credit, as is my boss for his business. Which in turn stops us both from chasing an unachievable dream.
SImple and prudent. Football needs to be the same. We need to regulate debt and encourage unlimited investment (if the investor has the funds available without going into debt for them).
Fair. Simple. Sustainable. Good for the game.