How do you see it panning out, mate?
I’m by no means an expert in the industry, but I know enough to know Endeavor are the biggest cheese in terms of agencies and are owned by Silver Lake. I’m sure that could open up a world of possibilities, but don’t City have a relationship with their rivals CAA?
Also as soon as I saw the Oak View relationship, straight away I thought that opens up the possibility of the new arena being built under the City umbrella as opposed to a separate company renting land co-owned by City and the council.
If Oak View (via SilverLake) just spent £500m building an arena, that’s one thing. But if Oak View invest that £500m in to CFG in return for a 10% stake in the group, and the CFG use that £500m to build the arena, then surely that opens up a world of possibilities for City to increase their revenue exponentially, and it gives Silverlake and Oak View a foothold in other key markets like NY, China, Australia, possibly soon to be India?
I might have got the wrong end of the stick, but it’s surely no coincidence that Oak View are looking to build that arena on City owned land.